University Of Cape Town Tenders
University Of Cape Town Tenders, Procurement and Payment Services (PPS) manages the tendering process to make sure that it is fair, equitable, transparent and cost-effective.
The awarding of tenders must be in line with UCT’s Affirmative Procurement Policy, which requires that a certain amount of UCT’s spending is directed to BEE-accredited vendors.
Calls for tenders
Tenders are advertised in local print media except where tenders are below the value of R1 million. In this case pre-qualified vendors will be invited to submit tenders.
Note: you do not have to be registered as a UCT vendor in order to tender for advertised contracts.
Submitting a tender
The tender or RFP (Request For Proposal) document issued by UCT will contain the following:
- tender specifications
- date and time of site visits
- evaluation criteria
- closing date of tenders.
After the closing date tenderers are requested to present their tender to an evaluation committee. Based on the RFP/ tender submitted, as well as presentations, tenderers are shortlisted to do final presentations. A recommendation is made based on a number of factors such as:
- BEE status
- solution offered
- technical offering
- price
- partnering profile of company.