University Of Cape Town Neurology
University Of Cape Town Neurology, The Division of Neurology is situated in Groote Schuur Hospital and operates a general clinical neurological service to the region. This includes in-patients, out-patients, an acute stroke unit, a clinical neurophysiology laboratory and a referral and emergency service. In addition, there are specialised clinics for stroke, myasthenia gravis, epilepsy, neuro-genetic disorders, dystonia, and HIV related neurological disorders.
The division supplies undergraduate medical teaching to years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 MBChB students, in addition to teaching occupational therapy and physiotherapy students. Postgraduate teaching is given to MMed students and BSc(Hons), MSc(Neuroscience) and PhD students are supervised.
Clinical research is conducted in the fields of HIV/AIDS-related encephalopathy and peripheral nerve disease, myasthenia gravis, stroke and stroke care, Parkinson’s disease, dementia, epilepsy, and motor neurone disease.
Professor A Bryer
Stroke, neuro-genetics.
Associate Professor J Heckmann
Myasthenia gravis, neuro-immunology, neuro-genetics, HIV-related peripheral nerve disease.
Dr E Lee-Pan
Clinical neurophysiology, health systems information technology, computer-based education.
Dr L Tucker
Epilepsy, epilepsy surgery, clinical neurophysiology, medical education.
Dr K Bateman
Neurological infectious diseases, neuromuscular disorders, stroke.
Associate Professor M Combrinck
Head of Geriatrics. Neuro-inflammation, HIV encephalopathy, dementia
Emeritus Associate Professor R Eastman
Medical education, Clinical neurophysiology.
Contact us
Visit or write to us at:
Division of Neurology
Groote Schuur Hospital
Observatory, 7925
South Africa
Call or fax us at:
Tel: +27 (21) 404-3198
Fax: +27 (21) 406-6251
Email Professor Alan Bryer