University Of Cape Town Data Science
University Of Cape Town Data Science, Statistics is the scientific application of mathematical principles to the collection, analysis, and presentation of data. Statisticians contribute to scientific enquiry by applying their mathematical and statistical knowledge to the design of surveys and experiments; the collection, processing, and analysis of data; and the interpretation of the results.
Who would be interested in studying statistics?
Statistics is a mathematical science, and so a taste and aptitude for mathematical thinking is a crucial ingredient. The field of statistics, like other areas of applied mathematics, often attracts those interested in the analysis of patterns in data: developing, understanding, abstracting, and packaging analytical methods for general use in other subject areas. Statistics is also, by definition, an information science. Imaginative use of both computing power and new computing environments drives much current research – so an interest in computation and/or computer science can also be a start for a statistician.
Career opportunities for graduates
One advantage of working in statistics is that you can combine your interest with almost any other field in science, technology, or business. Statisticians are employed in many industries, including: biology, finance, economics, engineering, medicine, public health, psychology, marketing, education and sports. In all of these areas and many others, statisticians work closely with other scientists and researchers to develop new statistical techniques, adapt existing techniques, design experiments, and direct analyses of surveys and retrospective studies.
Statistics for Mathematical Disciplines
Statistical Theory and Inference
Linear Models
Markov Processes and Time Series
Decision Theory and Generalized Linear Models
- Decision and Risk Theory covers the structure of decision making under uncertainty; game theory and non-probabilistic decision criteria; probabilistic decision criteria, expected value and utility; use of Bayes’ theorem; value of information; Bayesian statistical analysis for Bernoulli and normal sampling; empirical Bayes and credibility theory; loss and extreme value distributions; and the Monte Carlo method.
- Generalized Linear Models introduces the exponential family of distributions and covers the definition of a GLM, estimation and inference of GLMs, applications of GLMs to insurance and other data, including logistic, Poisson and log-linear models as well as models for continuous responses with skew distributions.
Advanced Stochastic Processes
Applied Statistics Stream
Statistics 1000
Statistics 1001
Statistics 1000 (Commerce Education Development Unit)
Statistics 1001 (Commerce Education Development Unit)
Applied Statistical Modelling
Business Statistics
Theory of Statistics
Research and Survey Statistics
Inferential Statistics
Operational Research Techniques
Postgraduate Programmes
- STA4006W BCom (Honours) in Statistical Sciences
- STA4007W BSc (Honours) in Statistical Sciences
- STA4010W BBusSc in Analytics
We also offer the following fourth-year level courses for students that are not majoring in statistics:
- STA4016H Selected honours topics (one semester course load)
- STA4011W Selected honours topics (whole year course load)
Further information on our honours programmes is available here:
- Course Outline
- Module Information
To be considered for admission to any of the above courses, students must obtain an average of 65% for their third-year level statistics courses on their first attempt. At UCT, this is STA3041F/STA3043S or STA3030F/STA3036S.
All students who wish to be considered for a place in the honours programme (including BBusSc students) must complete this form before the 31 October deadline. BCom (Hons) and BSc (Hons) students must also apply to the university.
Masters in Data Science
Masters in Data Science (STA5080W & AST5005H/IBS5005W/CSC5009H/PHY5008H/STA5079H)
This is an interdisciplinary programme with participating departments: Statistical Sciences, Computer Science, Astronomy, Physics, and the Computational Biology group (Health Sciences Faculty). This programme is aimed at students who hold a good honours degree but who do not have advanced background in Statistics and Computer Science although they have been exposed to mathematics and computing during their undergraduate studies. Students will learn the statistical and computing skills required to deal with Big Data from Astronomy, Physics, Medicine and Commerce. This masters programme is composed of two equally weighted components. STA5080W is the coursework component (90 credits), followed by a 50% dissertation (90 credits) on a selected research topic in one of the following: Data Science in Astronomy (AST5005H), Data Science in Bioinformatics (IBS5005W), Data Science in Computer Science (CSC5009H), Data Science in Physics (PHY5008H) or Data Science in Statistical Sciences (STA5079H). The programme will be open to students with at least 65% for an honours degree in any discipline that involved a substantial component of quantitative and computing training, as assess by a selection committee made up of representatives from the contributing departments. The successful completion of pre-courses as deemed necessary by the selection committee might be required (STA5014Z) before being allowed to register for the programme. Students will be required to pass 5 compulsory and 2 elective modules. The overall mark for the coursework component will be a weighted average (based on contribution towards total credit count) of the marks obtained for the individual modules. Students will be required to pass each individual module in order to pass the coursework component of the programme. The degree will be awarded as a Master of Science specialising in Data Science.
Stream Structure
The structure of the General stream has more flexibility with the following compulsory core modules:
Databases for Data Scientists | CSC5007Z | 12 credits |
Statistical and High Performance Computing | STA5075Z | 12 credits |
Data Visualization | CSC5008Z | 12 credits |
Unsupervised Learning | STA5077Z | 12 credits |
Supervised Learning | STA5076Z | 18 credits |
In order to complete 90 credits, students can choose from the following elective modules although not all modules will be offered every year; modules offered will depend on staff availability and the course will be tailored to the interests and needs of the particular students.
Data Science for Astronomy | AST5004Z | 12 credits |
Data Science for Particle Physics | PHY5007Z | 12 credits |
Bioinformatics for high-throughput biology | IBS5004Z | 15 credits |
Data Science for Industry | STA5073Z | 12 credits |
Decision Modelling for Prescriptive Analytics | STA5074Z | 12 credits |
Bayesian Decision Modelling | STA5061Z | 15 credits |
Data Analysis for High Frequency Trading | STA5091Z | 12 credits |
Any other masters modules in Statistical Sciences or Computer Science. Specific entry requirements might apply to these modules. For more information about the general stream please contact [email protected]
Masters Programmes
Coursework Masters Degrees
- Masters in Data Science (STA5080W & AST5005H/ IBS5004H/ CSC5009H/ PHY5008H/ STA5079H)
- Masters in Advanced Analytics and Decision Sciences by course work and half dissertation (STA5003W & STA5004W)
- Masters in Biostatistics (STA5057W & STA5058W)
Dissertation Masters Degrees
- Masters in Mathematical Statistics by dissertation only (STA5000W)
- Masters in Operational Research by dissertation only (STA5001W)
- Masters in Ecological/Environmental Statistics by dissertation only (STA5013W)
Module Information
- Detailed description of Masters modules
Application Process
- Entrance requirements and application forms
Postgraduate Programmes
Doctoral Programmes
STA6001W: PhD in Statistical Sciences
The topic of the PhD degree is decided in conjunction with a supervisor. Although every effort will be made to link potential students with a supervisor in the field of the submitted research proposal, it remains the responsibility of the applicant to secure a commitment from a suitable supervisor. The research fields of our staff vary in the areas of Astrostatistics, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, Ecological statistics, Econometrics and Financial modelling, Multivariate statistics, Decision modelling, Problem structuring and project management, Stochastic processes, Spatial statistics and Statistical Education. For more information on the specific specialisations of staff members, see the Academic staff page
Entrance requirements
A relevant Masters programme demonstrating research ability. Please note that the Department reserve the right to accept you for Masters rather than PhD registration. At the end of one year, your progress will be assessed by the departmental postgraduate committee. Your registration may then be upgraded to a PhD, remain as is for a MSc, or terminated, depending on progress or lack thereof.
Application procedure
Application to the department is facilitated by sending an e-mail containing the following to Ms Celene Jansen-Fielies ([email protected])
- Completed expression of interest form
- Full academic transcripts of all courses not completed at UCT
- 2 page CV
- A two-page research proposal
Students are welcome to initiate the application process at any time during the academic year, although registration usually takes place in February or July.
Once the department has indicated provisional acceptance into the PhD programme, official application is to the Science Faculty by completing the online application form
You need to ensure sufficient funds to cover your fees and living expenses. A limited number of university bursaries and other bursaries are available.
You need to apply separately for such funding ( A limited number of tutoring positions are available in the department. The salary would depend on your duties and typically provides not more than R1500 per month for eight or nine months of the year. Note that an offer/acceptance into a postgraduate programme does not automatically ensure or entitle you to a tutorship. The department does not offer any financial assistance to students and it is imperative that students ensure coverage of their own financial needs before they arrive at UCT.
Language requirements
The official language of the university is English. Students may be required to undertake an English proficiency test.
For more information on postgraduate studies (application procedure, funding and rules) of UCT please consult:
Note that the department’s approval of your application is a requirement of registration, but the Faculty may have additional requirements.
Short Courses & Workshops
- Workshop: Chain Event graphs in modelling complex health and medical data (3 – 6 April 2018)
- Short Course: Mathematical Modelling for Infectious Diseases (16 – 26 April 2018)
- Short Course: Data Science for Industry (23 July – 5 September 2018)