University of Johannesburg Residences/Accommodation
University of Johannesburg Residences/Accommodation
UJ has 24 residences across four campuses. Over and above the 26 residences UJ also have 4 Day Houses in the APK Campus, 1 Day House in the APB campus and 1 Day House in the DFC campus.
Auckland Park Bunting Road (APB) Campus
Auckland Park Bunting Road (APB) Campus has five residences – two senior residences and three junior residences. Both senior residences are mixed-gender residences and the junior residences are divided into two ladies’ residences and one men’s residence.
Broadcast Court Mixed Senior Residence
Goudstad Flats Post-graduates Residence
Horison Ladies’ Residence
Majuba Men’s Residence
Panorama Ladies’ Residence
Ikhayalethu Day-House
Contact Details:
Central office contact details for Bunting Road Campus:
Doornfontein Campus (DFC) has eight residences – one senior residence and seven junior residences. The junior residences are divided into two ladies’ residences and five men’s residences.
Auckland Park Kingsway (APK) Campus has eleven residences and four day houses. These consist of one senior residence and thirteen junior residences. The senior residence is a mixed-gender residence. Junior residences are divided into five ladies’ residences and four men’s residences. Day houses are divided into two men’s day houses and two ladies’ day houses.