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University of South Africa National Student Financial Aid Scheme Details

University of South Africa National Student Financial Aid Scheme Details


 (National Student Financial Aid Scheme) is a statutory body, funded primarily by the South African National Department of Education and Training, which provides study loans to academically able but financially needy students who wish to study at one of South Africa’s public institutions of higher education.


What is a National Student Financial Aid Scheme loan?

A National Student Financial Aid Scheme loan is an award that a student can receive from National Student Financial Aid Scheme upon applying and qualifying for such loan. This loan has to be repaid with interest (interest of each year is linked to the national inflation rate). A maximum award size is determined for each year by National Student Financial Aid Scheme. A portion of this award can be converted into a bursary based on academic performance. The size of this bursary is determined by the number of courses which the student has passed. A 100% pass rate will result in a 40% bursary rebate on this National Student Financial Aid Scheme loan.

National Student Financial Aid Scheme Loan Criteria:

  • Only South African students studying at public South African Higher Education Institutions;
  • Undergraduate student studying towards a first higher education qualification;
  • Studying for a postgraduate course which is a requirement to practice his/her chosen profession (e.g. Post-graduate Certificate in Education);
  • Any postgraduate degree except, MBA, MBL, DBA or DBL;
  • Student must be able to demonstrate potential for academic success and that he/she is financially needy;
  • Application form has to be fully and correctly completed;
  • All required documentation need to be submitted upon application;
  • Must apply before the closing date as published on the National Student Financial Aid Scheme webpage

What is a National Student Financial Aid Scheme bursary?

A variety of National Student Financial Aid Scheme bursaries exist, each with its own criteria. A National Student Financial Aid Scheme bursary is an award that a student receives upon application for such funding. This bursary award does not have to be repaid, if the student however does not wish to adhere to the bursary conditions such bursary is reverted to a loan. This loan will have to be repaid with interest. Please visit the undergraduate bursary page for individual bursary criteria.

National Student Financial Aid Scheme Post-graduate Loan

This loan has been made available to students studying towards a post-graduate qualification. Students who are financially needy and who are progressing academically can apply for this funding. Closing date for applications: End of September every year.
Please visit for application.


The Directorate administers donor funds, in the form of study loans and bursaries, according to donors’ criteria. Our main aim is to assist financially needy and academically deserving students. We are proud of the fact that the Directorate has empowered a large number of students from different Colleges and diverse geographical groups. Our vision is to be a beacon of great hope and excellence to our clients.

Our mission is to effectively and efficiently administer all funding at our disposal by ensuring that every stakeholder, particularly students and donors, receive high-quality service from a committed and professional DSF team.
DAC Linguistics bursary:

  • Who can apply:
    Students registered for a BA, BAHons or Masters degree in:

    • African Languages
    • Linguistics
    • Language Practice
  • What does the bursary cover:
    The bursary covers:

    • Tuition
    • Textbooks
    • Academic Essentials
  • When can I apply:
    Applications are currently open. Please download the application form (attached) for completion and submit to:
    [email protected]

Applications close on 10 January 2018.

  • National Student Financial Aid Scheme loans (incl. Historic debt loan & Post-graduate loan )
    • Applications
      • Apply online at or
      • complete the application form and submit to [email protected]
    • Appeals
      • Students who were unsuccessful with their National Student Financial Aid Scheme applications may appeal the rejection of their application by completing the appeals form and submitting it to [email protected]
  • SAIFM/IMARA bursary
    • Bursary will fund senior BCOM students for completion of the Registered Person’s Examaination with SAIFM (South African Institute of Financial Markets)
    • Senior students in Financial and/or Economic disciplines are invited to apply for funding. Criteria for consideration:
      • Financially needy
      • Proven Academic record
      • Residing in identified countries (Angola, Botswana, DRC, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Seychelles)
      • Have passed at least 200 credits towards intended degree
      • Major in Finance and/or Economics
  • Directorate of Student Funding brochure (PDF: 390.82Kb)
  • Bursaries undergraduate
    • For  alternative bursaries please click here
  • Special funding opportunity for early to mid-stage Afric