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UNISA Short Course in SMME Management

UNISA Short Course in SMME Management

University of South Africa Short Course in SMME Management


Short Course in SMME Management (72087)



The purpose of this SLP and module is to empower students with the necessary competencies, such as knowledge, skills and values, to equip them for entrepreneurial and management responsibilities in a small business; show them how to apply marketing concepts and principles relating to product, pricing, promotion and distribution strategies in the business; show them how to manage the operations of the business ethically, efficiently and effectively with respect to human resources management and production and operations management; and show them how to manage the finances and assets and evaluate the financial performance of a small business

Target group
  • Existing small business owners with fewer than 50 employees who would like to enhance their management skills in preparation for business growth.
  • Potential entrepreneurs intending to start a business and who need the skills to manage their small business effectively.


Admission requirements

Senior Certificate or an equivalent NQF level 4 qualification


Three months(structured in two intakes per year)

Language medium



Tuition method

Distance education by means of a study guide and tutorial letters. On registration students will be provided with a study guide and a number of tutorial letters. Tutorial letters will also be sent during the course of the module. Students are welcome to contact lecturers for assistance during office hours.

Kind of assessment

Formative assessment and examination admission will comply with UNISA’s formative assessment rules and policies
Formative assessment:
Compulsory assignment to be completed during the three-month course
Summative assessment:
A two-hour examination
Students will have to obtain at least 50% for the assignment to be admitted to write the exam. To pass the module students must obtain a minimum mark of 50% in the examination.

SMME Management (SMME01K)
Syllabus/Content Topics
  • The operations and purchasing function
  • The human resources function
  • Introduction to financial management
  • Financing the capital requirements of a small business
  • The break even analysis
  • Budgets


Course leader

Prof W Ladzani
Centre for Business Management
Office: 03-046 A J H van der Walt Building, UNISA
Tel: 012 429 3777
Fax2email: 086 641 5423
E-mail: [email protected] /

Programme administrator(s)

Tel: (012) 352 4288 / 4170 / 4317 / 4383
Fax: 012 429 4150
E-mail: [email protected]