UNISA Short Course in Logotherapy Meaning-Centred Living, Counselling and Psychotherapy: Advanced)
The short course will be useful to students who seek to enhance their professional services by an inclusion of a wider range of lay counselling skills through a more professional knowledge of logotherapeutic methods and techniques. The purpose of this short course is to equip students with the necessary competencies (knowledge, values and skills) to use logotherapeutic methods and techniques on a basic level in their fields of service.
Mental health professionals, lay counsellors and researchers in the field of psychology and mental health
Introductory and Intermediate Courses: Senior Certificate : Professional registration or proof of extensive experience in counselling
One year
January to March
UNISA open distance learning combined with a compulsory five day workshop at the end of the six months period. Students are guided through three prescribed books by way of tutorial letters containing practical tasks and exercises.
Formative assessment and examination admission will comply with UNISA’s formative assessment rules and policies
Formative assessment:
Assignments and transcribed session
Summative assessment:
Written examinations
A more intensive study of logotherapeutic principles and the application of the logotherapeutic methods and techniques of the Socratic dialogue, dereflection and paradoxical intention in counselling
Dr H M Shantall DLitt et Phil
(Retired Senior Lecturer in Department of Psychology at UNISA
Discipline expertise: Registered Clinical Psychologist with the Health Professions Council of South Africa, Accredited Logotherapist at the Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy, United States of America
Ms T Mapokgole
UNISA Centre for Applied Psychology
Office 5-512, Theo van Wijk Building, UNISA
Tel: 012 429 8544 / 3951
Fax: 012 429 5368 / 086 554 5909
E-mail: [email protected]