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UL Nbt

UL Nbt, Provide additional information about performance in core, underlying areas (additional to NSC information). the information below will help you know more


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The core (domain) areas are:

  • Academic literacy (AL)
  • Quantitative literacy (QL)
  • Mathematics (MAT)
  • AL: Students’ capacity to engage successfully with the demands of academic study in the medium of instruction.
  • QL: Students’ ability to manage situations or solve problems of a quantitative nature in real contexts relevant to higher education.
  • MAT: Students’ manifest ability related to mathematical concepts formally part of the NSC Mathematics curriculum.

Scoring NBT:


Proficient100%0%Performance in domain areas suggests that academic performance will not be affected. If admitted, students should be placed on regular programmes of study.
AL (65%), QL (66%) and MAT (62%)
IntermediateChallenges in domain areas suggest that academic performance will be affected. If admitted, students’ educational needs should be met in a way deemed appropriate by the institution (e.g. extended or augmented programmes, special, skills provision).
AL (42%), QL (38%) and MAT (34%)
BasicSerious learning challenges identified: it is predicted that students will not cope with the degree without extensive and long-term support, perhaps best provided through bridging programmes or FET colleges. Institutions registering students performing at this level would need to provide such support.