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UKZN b Ed, The new School of Education in a new South Africa carries the responsibility and obligation to respond to the inequalities and injustices inherited in the local context of the new university, the province and in the country; and simultaneously it must address the global, the continent of Africa, and the margin or periphery as part of the developing world. It has to do so in all areas of its core functions of research, teaching, learning and community engagement.
It must operate within and manage the deepening tensions produced by the rapid advance of Science and Technology, which is fundamentally changing the nature and structures of communities as new informational and knowledge economies and societies emerge and the gap between the poor and the wealthy, and the north and the south widens.
The School of Education is located on two sites namely, Edgewood (Pinetown) and Pietermaritzburg. The School offers a wide range of undergraduate degrees and diplomas as well as postgraduate certificates, Honours, Masters and Doctoral studies programmes.
The vision is of an education that is accessible and relevant to the full range of learners, appropriate to both national and global contexts, that is of high quality and that contributes to lifelong learning in a South Africa characterised by social justice and sustainable economic development. The School sees itself as being a School located within an African university which is socially inclusive, contextually relevant and has as its primary function the generation of knowledge needed in the society that it serves.
The School of Education has strong national reputations for teacher education programmes, adult education, workplace learning and higher education. A wide variety of programmes are offered at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Prospective students are urged to discuss their needs with the relevant staff at two centres.
Initial Teacher Education 
For those interested in teaching as a career should note that there are two routes that lead to professional qualification:
1. The Bachelor of Education (BEd) which is a four-year undergraduate programme of study that integrates academic and professional training.
2. The Postgraduate Certificate in Education: PGCE ( formally known as the Higher Diploma in Education or HDE) which is a one-year postgradutate  programme that follows (or ‘caps’) a suitable degree.
The Bachelor of Education (BEd) is a four year, vocationally specific, professional degree that integrates, from the first year, both the academic study and the professional preparation required to be a teacher.
Successful completion of the programme qualifies the student for registration with the South African Council for Educators (SACE) and for employment in South African schools as an educator at REQV 14 level. Increasingly the qualification is attracting students from neighbouring countries. In addition to serving as an initial qualification to teach, successful completion of the degree provides students with the opportunity to continue their study of education at a postgraduate level.
Entrance requirements:
Specialisations offered:

  • Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Development including Foundation Phase) Edgewood (KN-E-EDK)
  • Bachelor of Education (Foundation and Intermediate Phases) Edgewood (KN-E-EDI)
  • Bachelor of Education (Intermediate and Senior Phase) Edgewood (KN-E-EDO)
  • Bachelor of Education (Senior Phase General Education and Training (GET) Pietermaritzburg (KN-P-EDL)
  • Bachelor of Education (Senior Phase Further Education and Training (FET) Edgewood (KN-E-EDF) & Pietermaritzburg (KN-P-EDF)
  • Bachelor of Education (Further Education & Training) Edgewood (KN-E-EDJ) & Pietermaritzburg (KN-P- EDJ)



BEd Degree

Application Process, Application Progress, Transfer Process, Outcomes etc

Nontuthuzelo Mkhize

Phindile Dlamini

Sharath Parma Singh


PGCE/BEd honours; MEd and PhD programmes

Application Process, Progress and Outcomes


PGCE & BEdHons

  • School of Education Edgewood Campus
  • Admin building
  • LG floor, Room 140

PGCE & BEdHons

Pretty Wonder Ndimande


PGCE & BEdHons

Sibongile Mbanjwa

Masters and PhD

Tyzer Khumalo

  • School of Education Edgewood Campus
  • Administration Block
  • LG Floor, Room 123
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Tel: 031 260 3440

Masters and PhD

Sibonelo Duma

  • School of Education Edgewood Campus
  • Administration Block
  • LG Floor, Room 123
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Tel: 031 260 3919

Masters and PhD

Mbalenhle Ngcobo

  • School of Education Edgewood Campus
  • Administration Block
  • LG Floor, Room 123
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Tel: 031 260 3436


PGCE only

Geshree Naicker

  • School of Education PMB Campus
  • Education Building, Golf Road
  • Room 60
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Tel: 033 260 6130

PGCE only

Nonhlanhla Magubane

  • School of Education PMB Campus
  • Education Building, Golf Road
  • Room 60
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Tel: 033 260 5592

BEdHons, Masters and PhD

Karen Sophie

  • School of Education PMB Campus
  • Education Building, Golf Road
  • Room 60
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Tel: 033 260 6189

BEdHons, Masters and PhD

Ntokozo Mthembu

  • School of Education PMB Campus
  • Education Building, Golf Road
  • Room 60
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Tel: 033 260 5856