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UCT Online Library

UCT Online Library

UCT Online Library,
The University of Cape Town (into which is incorporated the South African College) celebrated 175 years of its existence in 2004. The University Libraries, whose collections constitute a rich storehouse of information and research resources, celebrate their centenary in 2005 … 1905 being the year in which the S.A. College set about establishing an organised library on its premises in Orange Street, Cape Town.
The seed for the Libraries was first planted in 1829 when the founders of the South African College expressed their determination to establish a library for the use of students and begged the public to donate books and money to this end. In succeeding years the citizens of Cape Town were generous, and none more so than the brilliant practising attorney and later professor of law, Caspar Hendrik van Zyl, who made his extensive library of legal texts available to the law students he taught. Equally generous was Sir George Grey, who, on vacating the governorship of the Cape, presented the College with an outstanding collection of classical works. Books, purchased and donated, were scattered wide in the College’s teaching departments and in the student residence, College House, and were therefore not always available for those who needed to consult them. Professors and students alike clamoured for the establishment of a College library. What was needed was not only a physical home for the books, but also their systematic arrangement.
Professor W. S. Logeman of the Department of Modern Languages planted the sapling of the title of this brief history. In 1905 Professor Logeman was appointed Honorary Librarian, a post which he retained until 1920. He took steps to bring all the books accumulated in College departments together into one place … initially the old Zoology Lecture Room … where he arranged them systematically and catalogued them. Carefully nurtured by a dedicated altruist, the library began to grow and flourish, despite the rigours of the post-South African War economic depression in the Cape Colony.
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Library Contacts

General Enquiries:

UCT Libraries  Telephone:  +27 21 650-3703
University of Cape Town  Fax:  +27 21 650-2965
Private Bag X3  e-Mail:  [email protected]
Rondebosch 7701  South Africa


Specific Contacts  Telephone
Accounts Office 

Finance Manager: Mignon van der Merwe

021 650 3099
Acquisitions Department

Manager: Caroline Dean

021 650 3701
Bolus Herbarium Library

Junior Librarian: Awot Gebregziabher

021 650 3774
Built Environment Library

 Librarian:  Dianne Steele

021 650 5953
Circulation & Short Loans


021 650 3118/3134
           Manager: Niel Mostert 021 650 3119
Commerce, CHED & Enterprise

Manager: Glynnis Johnson


021 650 5684
Enquiries 021 650 3097
Acting Executive Director: Reggie Raju 021 650 3096
Acting Deputy Director (Research & Learning): Jill Claassen 021 650 5827
Deputy Director (Information Systems & Resources): Nikki Crowster 021 650 5857
Discovery Services
Manager: Heather Hodgson 021 650 3994
Digital Library Services
Manager: Niklas Zimmer 021 650 2957
Document Centre: Campus Copy & Print
General Enquiries 021 650  3134
Government Publications Department


021 650 3177

Senior Librarian: Laureen Rushby

021 650 4686
Health Sciences Library


021 406 6138

Manager: Saskia Vonk

021 406 6359
Hiddingh Hall Library


021 650 7135

 Branch Librarian:  Solvej Vorster

021 650 7139

Manager:  Alex D’Angelo

021 650 4475
Information Desk 021 650 3703/4
Institute of Child Health Library


021 658 5353
Interlibrary Loans


021 650 3113

Librarian:  Rosie Watson (acting)

021 650 4118
Library Facilities

Senior Building Supervisor: Blythe Edwins

021 650 3129
Brand van Zyl Law Library


021 650 2708/9

Manager:  Sadiq Keraan

021 650 2671
Library and Information Studies Centre


021 650 4546

Head of Department: A/Professor Jaya Raju

021 650 3091
Special Collections


021 650 4089
           Manager: Renate Meyer 021 650 4424
Special Collections: Published Collections

Manager: Mandy Noble

021 650 4089
Reception 021 650 3870
Research and Innovation

Librarian: Tamzyn Suliaman

021 650-4473
Scholarly Communication & Research 

Manager: Jill Claassen

021 650 1263
Science & Engineering

Manager: Amina Adam

021 650-3871
Subscriptions & e-Resources
             Subscriptions Librarian:  Shireen Davis-Evans 021 650 3132
Undergraduate Support 


021 650 4313

Librarian: Nuroo Davids

021 650 5305
WH Bell Music Library


021 650 2624

Librarian: Brandon Adams