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UCT Health Sciences Library

UCT Health Sciences Library

UCT Health Sciences Library, The University of Cape Town (into which is incorporated the South African College) celebrated 175 years of its existence in 2004. The University Libraries, whose collections constitute a rich storehouse of information and research resources, celebrate their centenary in 2005 … 1905 being the year in which the S.A. College set about establishing an organised library on its premises in Orange Street, Cape Town.

The seed for the Libraries was first planted in 1829 when the founders of the South African College expressed their determination to establish a library for the use of students and begged the public to donate books and money to this end. In succeeding years the citizens of Cape Town were generous, and none more so than the brilliant practising attorney and later professor of law, Caspar Hendrik van Zyl, who made his extensive library of legal texts available to the law students he taught. Equally generous was Sir George Grey, who, on vacating the governorship of the Cape, presented the College with an outstanding collection of classical works. Books, purchased and donated, were scattered wide in the College’s teaching departments and in the student residence, College House, and were therefore not always available for those who needed to consult them. Professors and students alike clamoured for the establishment of a College library. What was needed was not only a physical home for the books, but also their systematic arrangement.

Opening Hours

Mon – Thurs: 08h30 – 22h00
Fri: 08h30 – 17h00
Sat: 08h30 – 12h30
Mon – Thurs: 08h30 – 17h00
Friday: 08h30-17h00
Sat: 08h30-12h30

Contact Us

General enquiries & Reference
Tel: +27 21 406-6388
E-mail: General enquiries & Reference
Interlibrary Loans
Tel:+27 21 406 6142
E-mail: Interlibrary Loans
Circulation (Loans)
Tel:+27 21 406-6138
Fax: +27 21 448-2579
E-mail: ​Circulation (Loans)
Saskia VonkHead Librarian
Tel: 021 406 6359
Pat CallaghanSenior Library Assistant: Periodicals
Tel: 021 406 6141
Mary SheltonSenior Reference Librarian
Tel: 021 406 6388/6141
Gill MorganSenior Training/Reference Librarian
Tel: 021 406 6130/6388
Tamzyn SuliamanReference Librarian
Tel: 021 406 6388/6141
Gregory MartinLibrary Assistant
Tel: 021 406 6138/39
Wendy SmithLibrary Assistant: ICH Library
Tel: 021 658 5352/3


The library rules may be revised by Council from time to time

Who may or may not use UCT Libraries

L1.1 Authorised library users include UCT staff, students, members of Council, others with specific university affiliation, and subscribers.
For a current list of categories of library patrons and their privileges, please see UCT Libraries’ web page at
Electronic resources may be used ONLY by current UCT staff and currently registered UCT students.


L1.2 The Research Commons in the Chancellor Oppenheimer Library is for the use of UCT master’s and doctoral students and academic staff.

Research Commons

L1.3 Academic staff and postgraduates from CALICO institutions are allowed to use some UCT Libraries on presentation of the required letter of introduction.

CALICO staff and


L1.4 Undergraduates from CALICO institutions are allowed to use some UCT Libraries during specified periods of the academic terms but may not borrow material nor become library subscribers. (See website for specific rules).



L1.5 Undergraduates from other tertiary institutions, students from private educational institutions, and students from distance learning educational institutions are not allowed to use UCT Libraries, nor are they allowed to become library subscribers.


from other


L1.6 School learners may not use UCT Libraries.

school learners

L1.7 Animals, with the exception of guide dogs, are not allowed in UCT Libraries.


L1.8 Access to UCT Libraries is controlled. UCT staff and currently registered students enter by swiping their staff/student cards at the electronically controlled entrance gates. All other individuals must check in with the staff member at the reception desk; proper identification is always required. Library users must produce a valid card on request in any library location.

controlled access

L1.9 Any user attempting to enter UCT Libraries with ID other his or her own, or any UCT user who lends his or her card to another person, may have their library privileges withdrawn.

fraudulent access

Conduct within UCT Libraries

L2.1 A person shall not make noise, cause a disturbance, make or take cell phone calls, hold public meetings or demonstrations, within UCT Libraries, or behave in such a manner that would interfere with or impact negatively on study and research activities of library users.


L2.2 Food may not be consumed in UCT Libraries. Drinks are permitted only in special library-approved spill-proof containers. Smoking is not permitted.


L2.3 All cell phones must be on silent mode. Making or taking cell phone calls in UCT Libraries is prohibited.

cell phones

L2.4 Any person infringing the rules of conduct may be required to leave the library and/or have library privileges suspended or withdrawn and/or face disciplinary proceedings.


Advertising in UCT Libraries

L3 No notices may be displayed or any items distributed within UCT Libraries without the prior approval of the Executive Director, UCT Libraries .

Filming in UCT Libraries

L4 No filming or photography is allowed within UCT Libraries without the prior approval of the Executive Director, UCT Libraries.  

Use of electronic resources and equipment

L5.1 Electronic resources may be used ONLY by current UCT staff and currently registered UCT students.  
L5.2 PCs, scanners, AV viewing and all other electronic equipment are for academic use ONLY.  

Rules for borrowing 


L6.1 A person shall not remove a book or any other material from the University UCT Libraries other than in terms of the rules and procedures set by UCT Libraries. The Executive Director, UCT Libraries has the authority to shorten periods of loan.  
L6.2 A borrower will be held responsible for all material taken out in his or her name, and may not lend such material to other people. Borrower privileges are not transferable. Lost staff or student cards must be reported immediately to UCT Libraries. Borrowers are also responsible for updating their contact details at UCT Libraries, and outdated contact details will not be a basis on which to dispute fines or fees owing.

responsibility of borrower

L6.3 A pattern of abuse of library privileges by a borrower may result in the withdrawal of library privileges, a reduction in the number of items which may be borrowed, and/or disciplinary action.


L6.4 The number of items that may be borrowed is different for different categories of Library users. Please enquire at the loans desks or refer to UCT Libraries’ web page at

number of items

L6.5 Loan periods may vary in each of UCT Libraries’ branches and according to the type of material.

loan periods


L6.6. Bound periodicals may be borrowed ONLY by UCT staff, registered postgraduate students, and retired UCT staff. No one may borrow unbound periodicals.


L6.7 Certain collections and items are restricted to reference use only.

reference materials

L6.8 Interlibrary loan services are available to student and staff currently registered at UCT and retired staff of UCT.

interlibrary loans


L7.1 A member of staff who wishes to borrow books or other items from UCT Libraries must produce a University staff identification card valid for the current year.

staff card

L7.2 In general books may be borrowed for a period not exceeding three months. Provided that no other user has reserved the book, the loan period may be extended once, by letter, telephone, email or via the internet.

loan period

Retired UCT Staff

NOTE:  This section does not apply to emeritus professors who enjoy the same library privileges as professors.

L8.1 A retired UCT staff member who wishes to borrow books or other items from UCT Libraries must produce a University Retired Staff card, complete the required forms at the Loans Desk, and then obtain a Library Subscriber Card from:

Access Control Administration
Robert Leslie Social Science Building,

before registration can be completed at the Loans Desk.

Retired Staff card and Library Subscriber card

L8.2 Registration on the Library system is for the current year and membership will be updated annually by the Library for as long as the retired staff member continues to use the library.

renewal of membership

L8.3 In general, books may be borrowed for a period not exceeding five weeks. Provided that no other user has reserved the book, the loan period may be extended twice, by letter, telephone, email or via the internet, provided the book is not overdue. Thereafter the book must be returned to the open shelves before re-issue. The loan period for books in heavy demand may be reduced to three days, and any item may be recalled after seven days at the discretion of the Executive Director, UCT Libraries. Bound periodicals may be borrowed for three days only and are not renewable.

loan period

 recalling books


L9.1 A student who wishes to borrow material shall produce his or her university registration card for the current year.

registration card

L9.2 An undergraduate student may borrow a book for a period not exceeding seven days. A postgraduate student may borrow a book for a period not exceeding five weeks.  UCT Libraries may, however, recall a book at any time and may reduce the loan period of books in demand. Provided that no other user has reserved the book, the loan period may be extended three times, by letter, telephone, email or via the Internet, provided that the book is not overdue. Thereafter the book must be returned to the open shelves before re-issue. Postgraduate students may borrow bound periodicals for three days only. No renewals of periodicals are allowed.

loan period

 recalling books

 reduced loan period

L9.3 Appointment as a tutor or research assistant does not entitle students to staff borrowing privileges.

employed students

L9.4 A postgraduate student wishing to borrow items for a longer period over the June and December vacations must apply in advance to the librarian in charge of the relevant section.

vacation loans

L9.5 All students who have outstanding library debts of R100 and above immediately before June and December graduation will have them added to their student fees accounts.

debts added to fees accounts

Health Sciences Library

L10 Books on the open shelf may be borrowed for two weeks and can be renewed twice. Renewal of the loan is possible if the item has not been requested by another user. Books in high demand are available for 3 day loan and are not renewable. Short loan items may be borrowed for two hours at a time during the day. From 15h00 onwards, short loan items are issued for overnight loan and may then be removed from the Library. All overnight loans must be returned by 09h30 the following morning. An exception is made on Fridays, when short loan items may be retained until 09h30 on Monday.

loan period

WH Bell Music Library

L11 CDs and DVDs may be borrowed by staff and students of the SA College of Music or the School of Dance. Records, audiotapes and videotapes may be borrowed by staff of the SA College of Music or the School of Dance. In-house listening and viewing facilities are available to the staff and students of the SA College of Music and the School of Dance.

recorded music

Brand van Zyl Law Library

L12.1 Short loan materials may not leave the Brand van Zyl Law Library, except as specifically authorised by the Law Librarian.

loan period

L12.2 Reference materials, law reports, and periodicals may not be borrowed, with the exception of those on short loan. Certain short loan items may not be borrowed overnight.

loan restrictions

Short Loans

L13.1 Only UCT staff and students may borrow short loan items.

who may borrow

L13.2 Most items may be borrowed or taken out of the library for three hours at a time during the day. However, items marked “not for overnight loan” may NOT be removed from UCT Libraries. Some material may be in such heavy demand that the loan period is restricted to one hour. From 15h00 onwards, eligible items are issued for overnight loan.

loan period

L13.3 All overnight loan items must be returned to the desk from which they were loaned by 09h30 the following morning. An exception is made on Fridays, when items may be retained until 09h30 on the following Monday.

returning items

L13.4 Videos and DVDs in Short Loans are study aids for specific courses and may be borrowed only for this purpose.

videos and DVDs


L14.1 Any borrower who fails to return or renew items by the due date will incur a fine.  Fines are set by the Executive Director, UCT Libraries and vary according to the type of material.


L14.2 Any borrower who fails to return items to UCT Libraries or to any library with which UCT has a co-operative borrowing or access agreement, or who fails to pay fines or costs owing, may have borrowing privileges withdrawn or suspended by the Executive Director, UCT Libraries. A borrower who incurs a fine of R50.00 or more will automatically have borrowing privileges suspended until the debt is cleared.

failure to


L14.3 Any user losing or irreparably damaging a book or other item borrowed through or belonging to the UCT Libraries is liable for the replacement cost of the item plus the cost of processing the replacement.  Any user or borrower damaging an item which is repairable shall be liable for the cost of the repair.



L14.4 Mutilation of library books and other library materials is an offence. Mutilation includes underlining, through-lining in transparent colour, writing of comments in a book, removal of a page, pages or pictures, or any other damage. A user who has been found to have mutilated any library item will also be liable for the cost of replacing or repairing the damaged material.


L14.5 A user who fails to comply with the University and library policy or licensing agreements concerning the use of electronic resources or of computers may have library privileges curtailed or suspended by the Executive Director, UCT Libraries.

electronic resources and computers

L14.6 Any transgression of these rules may result in suspension or withdrawal of use and borrowing privileges or other penalties at the discretion of the Executive Director, UCT Libraries.


L14.7 Any breach of these rules by a student may be reported by UCT Libraries to the Vice-Chancellor or the Vice-Chancellor’s Nominee, to be dealt with under the rules on disciplinary jurisdiction and procedures.


L14.8 Any breach of these rules by a staff member may be referred by UCT Libraries to the staff member’s line manager for disciplinary action.