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The University Of Pretoria Student Portal

The University Of Pretoria Student Portal

The University Of Pretoria Student Portal, Welcome to the University of Pretoria, where leaders are moulded and dreams of greatness come to life. The fact that you have landed on this page means that you are one of our Tukkies and we hope to change you from being a Tukkie, to being a Proud Tukkie. As one of South Africa’s oldest and most prestigious institutions of higher education, the University of Pretoria provides a refreshing mix of academic tradition and progressive vision. The latter is brought to life by means of world-class research that results in positive, tangible contributions to both local and global communities.
We hope that you see your academic career at our institution as a very special time in your life and that your learning experiences at our institution will encourage you to become a motivated, independent learner with a life-long, self-directed attitude to learning.
