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Stellenbosch University Location

Stellenbosch University Location, Stellenbosch University (SU) is rooted in Africa and global in its reach. Over the past one hundred years, it has grown into a South African higher education institution with the vision to be a leading research-intensive university on the African continent, to be globally recognised as excellent, inclusive and innovative, and where knowledge is advanced in service of society. As its mission states, SU is a research-intensive university that attracts outstanding students, employ talented staff and provides a world-class environment; it is a place connected to the world, while enriching and transforming local, continental and global communities.​ The University’s values – excellence, compassion, equity, accountability and respect – relate to the beliefs and attitudes that guide the institution’s behaviour. All of these values are equally important, are interconnected and inform SU’s ethics code


Locate us 


​​Stellenbo​sch ​Campus Map​​


Stellenbo​sch ​Campus Map Index

Tygerberg Campus

 US Busine​ss School

 Worcester Campus

