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Stellenbosch University IT

Data is shaping the future – and Stellenbosch University is ready to enhance South Africa’s competitiveness in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.​


Artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of Things, autonomous vehicles, 3D printing, precision medicine and quantum computing hold the promise of radically changing all aspects of society. At the core of these advances are the rapidly developing fields of data science and computational thinking.

The School for Data Science and Computational ​​Thinking at Stellenbosch University aims to be a world-class institution for data science and computational thinking in and for Africa. It facilitates non-conventional, trans-faculty approaches to teaching and research in data science and computational thinking at Stellenbosch University in an interdisciplinary way. It spans the entire academic project, from under- and postgraduate training to research and specialist consultation.


​The School provides a platform for collaborative learning and research as well as the generation of knowledge, ideas, applications and products.

Stellenbosch University IT Courses

Medical and Life Science Statistics using R
The Fundamentals of Deep Learning​​
Introduction to Blockchain Technologies​
Introduction to Data Ethics​
Data Science in Algorithmic Trading Strategies​​
Introduction to Statistics with R​
Introduction to Data Science

Contact Details For Stellenbosch University IT

Prof Kanshu Rajaratnam

Director: School for Data Science and Computational Thinking
E-mail[email protected]​​​
Phone: 021 808 3753


44 Banghoek Road​​
Stellenbosch, 7602​
​South Africa