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Stellenbosch University Faculty Of Education

Stellenbosch University Faculty Of Education, The Faculty of Education’s vision is to be “acknowledged and respected unequivocally as a leading and engaged research-driven education faculty”. 


It strives to play a leading role in education, both locally and globally, and to engage with educational challenges, particularly in the South African context. The Faculty is characterised by its significant research profile; its focus on education beyond the school environment and its inter-disciplinary approach to education.

In seeking synergy between teaching, research and community engagement, the Faculty hopes to develop a knowledge base that builds both research in education and the practice of teacher education.​

The Faculty contributes to the National Development Plan in the following ways: By increasing teacher training output and teacher subject knowledge; by improving school leadership and management; by training principals and teachers in underperforming schools and offering onsite mentoring and support; and by introducing lecturer development programmes and improving the quality of teacher education in SA.


SU’s institutional goals of broadening access, sustaining momentum on excellence and enhancing societal impact are carried out through a range of teaching and learning, research and community engagement activities. 

Language support for subject terminology 

The Faculty supports you in the use of academic language and language for special purposes with MobiLex, a specialist dictionary with definitions of terms that you would use in your undergraduate studies. There are also translations of terms, as well as their meanings in Afrikaans, English and isiXhosa, compiled by lecturers in the Departement of Curriculum studies. Download the MobiLex app on your phone or search it on your computer or tablet at​​