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Stellenbosch University Closing Date

Stellenbosch University Closing Date, The University offers Semester in Stellenbosch programmes (Exchange; Study Abroad), a Summer School, Postgraduate and PhD programmes in English.Stellenbosch University is a fully accredited classic university with 10 faculties: Arts, Economic and Management Sciences, Education, Science, Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Health Sciences, Military Science, Law, Theology, Engineering.


It has a student body of over 22 000 of which more than one third is postgraduate students. The number of international students has increased substantially since 1993 to over 1900 students from more than 70 countries currently enrolled at the University.Stellenbosch is a research-intensive university with a long history of pure and applied research across a large range of disciplines. It is at the forefront of basic and applied research and through partnering with the industry and government has become a benchmark for research excellence.



Applications open on 1 March and close on the following dates:

31 May:  Applications close for the programme MB,ChB in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.

30 June:  Applications close for all other undergraduate programmes.

30 June:  Residence applications close.

31 August: Applications close for Stellenbosch University financial assistance.

31 October: Applications close for Diploma in Public Accountability (Telematic Education).

30 November: Applications for NSFAS bursaries close.

​Please note that no late applications will be considered.​