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St Benedict’s Junior Preparatory

Welcome to St Benedict’s Junior Prep. This is a vibrant part of the school where boys from Gr 00 to 3 are able to develop in a happy and nurturing environment. We are committed to excellence and a balanced approach which is achieved through the four pillars; Academics, Religion, Sport and Culture. Here, the boys are given opportunities to succeed, and build a positive self-concept and approach to learning.


St Benedict’s Junior Preparatory School is a vibrant and stimulating environment that ensures that young boys between the ages of 4 and 9 are given the opportunity to gain the skills and knowledge that will build a solid foundation for their learning path.

Boys begin this journey in Grade 00 where numeracy, literacy and socio-emotional skills are developed. Play and hands on authentic experiences ensures that all boys are continually stretched to reach their full potential. Each following Grade continues to grow each boy into the best version of himself. Grade 1 is such an exciting year as boys experience the wonder and magic of learning to read. The Junior Prep phase ends in Grade 3 when they have gained all the skills necessary to learn to read.


St Benedict’s Junior Preparatory Application Procedure

For both the online and the manual application, the following documents are required. For the online application these documents must be scanned in and available to attached to the application.

  • Birth certificate (if pupil is older than 6 months)
  • Unabridged birth certificate (for non South African citizens)
  • Baptismal certificate
  • Testimonial from parish priest or minister (optional)
  • Most recent school report (grade 4 and higher)
  • Identity photo of your son (grade 4 and higher)
  • Parent or guardian identity book or passport
  • Latest statement from current school
  • Official immunisation card (grades 0 to 3)

St Benedict’s Junior Preparatory Banking Details

Account Name: St Benedict’s Trust

Bank: First National Bank

Branch: Eastgate (257705)

Account No: 55275101604

St Benedict’s Junior Preparatory Contact Details

Tel 011 455 6201