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Sefako Makgatho University Late Application 2019

Sefako Makgatho University Late Application 2019, Do you want to become a Sefako Makgatho Health Science University (formerly MEDUNSA) student? If you don`t know – Sefako Makgatho Health Science University Application Form for 2018/2019 are now available. SPU wants to inform all candidates, guardians, parents and persons about the possibility to become a student at the university in 2019.  If you are interested, you can apply.


Sefako Makgatho Health Science University (SMU) Application Form 2019

Download Sefako Makgatho Health Science University form: An application form can be downloaded from the website by clicking here, SMU Application Form 2019

Important Dates:

Friday, 29th June 2018 is the closing date to apply for the following courses:

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB); Bachelor of Diagnostic Radiography (B Rad); Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS); Bachelor of Dental Therapy (BDT); Bachelor of Oral Hygiene (BoH); Bachelor of Pharmacy (B Pharm); and Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy (BSc Physio)


Friday, 27th July 2018 is the closing date to apply for the following courses:

Bachelor of Nursing Sciences and Art (B Cur); Bachelor of Advanced Nursing Science (BNSc), Bachelor of Science in Dietetics (BSc Diet), Bachelor of Speech Language, Pathology and Audiology (B SLP & A); Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (B Occ Ther); Bachelor of Science (BSc) majoring in Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physiology, Psychology and Statistics

NB: Applications sent by fax or submitted after closing date will not be considered

A fully completed application form can be:

Posted to this address:

The Registrar
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University (SMU)
P.O Box 60

Or hand deliver to this address:

Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University (SMU)
Student Administration and Registration Office
Clinical Pathology Building

Enquiries can be directed to:

Contact details: (012) 521 4979/4058/5886/4319/4317/4204
Office hours from Monday to Friday: 07h30am – 16h00pm