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Rhodes University Research Office


Rhodes University Research Office, Rhodes University research ONLINE – the guide to ongoing research covering the 6 Faculties of CommerceEducationHumanitiesLawPharmacy, and ScienceResearch Institutes, Affiliates and related groups. It is our policy to encourage research at the highest level of excellence and to ensure that our research programmes are internationally recognised for their excellence.

The ONLINE system has been developed to enable easy access to information relating to all facets of Rhodes University’s research programme, including procedures and applications for funding, reports, deadline dates and many other key sources of information, including a comprehensive index.


Rhodes Digital Commons


For further information contact:


Research related queries

Tel: 046-603 8936
Fax: 046-603 8822
e-mail: [email protected]

Postgraduate Funding related queries

Tel: 046-603 8755 / 8179
Fax: 046-603 8822
e-mail: [email protected]

Tel: 046-603 8276
Fax: 046-603 8300
email: [email protected]

Postgraduate related queries