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Rhodes University Law

The Faculty’s vision is to be an academic centre that is respected nationally and internationally for its excellent teaching and research, and which seeks to play a productive role in the development of the Eastern Cape and Southern Africa.


Rhodes University Law Programme

Undergraduate Courses

  • Bachelor Of Laws (LLB)

Postgraduate Courses

  • LLM
  • PhD
Enrollment In Postgraduate Studies:  LLM

Thank you for your interest in studying for an LLM at Rhodes.  Please note we offer an LLM Degree by thesis only (part-time / full-time).

Our faculty’s requirements for admission to the LLM are (1) the candidate has a LLB degree (2) that the candidate obtained 65% average for that degree and (3) that non-compliance with (1) and (2) requires careful motivation to sway the Dean to exercise her discretion in your favour. 

For a list of thesis-based research areas in which we offer high-quality supervision please visit our research page. 

In order to be able to consider an application from you and to determine whether the Faculty has the requisite expertise in your chosen field of study, please send the following documents to the Dean of Law:

1.  An updated CV.

2.  All degree certificates.


3. Full academic transcripts reflecting the results obtained in all courses undertaken for your degree(s).

4. A draft 3-5 page research proposal indicating the proposed field and topic of your research. This brief proposal is required for admission purposes only and in order to establish, amongst other things, whether you have a clear idea of what topic you propose to research, and that we have the necessary supervisory capacity in that specific field.  Please note that if you are admitted to LLM you will be required to prepare a full research proposal later which will serve before the Higher Degrees Committee.  The requirements of the latter you will find by clicking here.  

You may wish to be guided by this approach in the requested 3-5 page draft if you wish, but this is entirely up to you. 

The current fee for  LLM studies at Rhodes University is R22 968 per annum.  

Rhodes University Law Contact Details

Postal Address

Faculty of Law 
Rhodes University
P.O Box 94


Tel (046) 603 8427/ 8428/ 8432 
Fax (046) 603 7615

Email: [email protected]