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Rhodes University b Ed Honours

Rhodes University b Ed Honours, the information provided below are the some of the details about Rhodes University b Ed Honours


Our department recognizes the importance of providing post-graduate courses for educators which facilitate an engagement with important educational issues in South Africa today. The Bachelor of Education (Honours) degree – BEd(Hons) – has critical engagement with as its central goal.

The BEd(Hons) is the first degree after initial teacher qualification, and the Rhodes BEd(Hons) is a general postgraduate degree which prepares students for research-based postgraduate studies in education. Its aim is to consolidate and deepen students’ knowledge of education, and to develop their ability to research educational contexts using appropriate methodologies and techniques. The qualification demands a high level of theoretical engagement and intellectual independence, and results in an NQF Level 8 exit qualification. It provides a pathway to a Master’s in Education (MEd).

About the Course

The BEd(Hons) degree is offered in a part time programme over two years. A new course is started every year, with one in Grahamstown (applications in 2019 for 2020) and one in Namibia (applications in 2018 for 2019). Students come to five week-long sessions during each year and are expected to complete assignments between each session. Attendance at all sessions and submission of all assignments is compulsory.

Depending on student interest and staff availability, the course may be offered full time, with limited electives. If you are interested in this option you should enquire of the Department on 046 603 8383 whether the full time course will be offered in any particular year, and which electives will be part of that course.

The flyer at the link below contains information about the current course which you may find useful.

BEd(H) Flyer 2019-20

Degree Structure

The BEd(Hons) comprises six courses which are completed over two years. The first year is a four-course foundation programme comprising

  • Philosophy in Education
  • Psychology in Education
  • Sociology of Education
  • Research in Education

Each course is assessed through assignments and an end of year examination. In both years, students are supported by an academic literacies programme which enhances their ability to read and write academic genres at an Honours level.

Although these foundation disciplines are taught and examined as separate courses, they are taught in a semi-integrated way because of their obvious inter-connectedness. The central focus of these courses is on theory informing practice in education and on encouraging students to become critical users and producers of educational research. This course therefore takes a critical stance in reviewing those philosophies of education that have shaped and continue to shape the thinking and practice of education nationally and globally. Within this focus the following are integral dynamics: curriculum planning, development and implementation; the role and value of philosophy in education; a critical evaluation and analysis of current educational issues; the teacher as researcher.

In their second year students focus on two electives. A practical research component is usually a large part of the elective and the electives are assessed through a combination of assignments, a research report, examinations and / or portfolios.

The following are examples of electives that are offered in the BEd(Hons) programme:

  • Education Leadership & Management (ELM)
  • Education, Training & Development Practices (ETDP)
  • English Language Teaching (ELT)
  • Environmental Education (EE)
  • Geography Education
  • Information & Communications Technology (ICT)
  • Mathematics Education
  • Primary Education
  • Science Education

PLEASE NOTE: These electives may not all be offered in any given year and are dependent on staff availability and viable class sizes. In addition, it is not possible to timetable all combinations of electives during sessions. Further electives may also be offered from time to time.

Entry Requirements

1. Prior qualifications (see * below)  2. Professional experience3. Placement test
Applicants must have an NQF Level 7 qualification. This is usually through either:A.  A four-year professional teaching degree, for example the Bachelor of Education, OR
B.  An appropriate Bachelor’s degree (for example, BA, BSc, BCom) with a recognized teaching qualification (for example, PGCE), OR
C.  A four-year professional teaching qualification with an Advanced Diploma at NQF Level 7. The Advanced Certificate in Education is an NQF Level 6 qualification.
Normally two years’ classroom experience or equivalent work in an educational context is required. In exceptional cases recent PGCE graduates may be admitted.Applicants are required to write a placement test or submit a motivation in October / November of the year in which they apply.

* PLEASE NOTE, regarding qualifications:


1. If you received your qualifications before 2000 it is important that you check their current status and recognition. Details appear in the Government Gazette No. 40610, Policy on the Recognition and Evaluation of Qualifications for Employment in Education, 10 FEBRUARY 2017, page 45. This Gazette is also available free online at Your District Office may also be able to help you.

2. If you are applying with qualifications obtained in a country other than South Africa, you will need to check their current status and recognition in South Africa. You may need to submit your qualifications to SAQA for an equivalence certificate. Details appear in the Government Gazette No. 40610, Policy on the Recognition and Evaluation of Qualifications for Employment in Education, 10 FEBRUARY 2017, page 64. This Gazette is also available free online at

As these processes may take time we urge interested applicants to begin this investigation early in the year in which you intend to apply.

Guidelines and Check List for all BEd Honours Applications (2019-20)

Application Procedure

If you wish to proceed with your application for the BEd(Hons) degree, please download the application form:

BEd(H) Application Form 2019-20

RU Honours Applications – External

Rhodes University
Grahamstown, 6140
Tel: 046-603 8276
Fax: 046- 603 7350
Email: [email protected]

NOTE: It is important to remember that qualifications are currently being developed and that national regulations may change at short notice.

BEd Honours

BEd Honours – Grahamstown (Education Department) Next intake in 2020

BEd Honours – Namibia (Education Department) Next intake in 2019