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Potchefstroom College of Agriculture in North West province

Through Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD), the Potchefstroom College of Agriculture, situated on the premises of the Agricultural Centre (Chris Hani Drive), was established as an agricultural college in 1909. Since then it has grown into one of the largest agricultural colleges in South Africa. The college has excellent facilities for the efficient training of prospective agricultural practitioners and farmers. The College has hostel and sporting facilities for both males and females.



Diploma in Agriculture (NQF Level 6)
Successful completion of three (3) years full-time study is required for the qualification. After successful completion of the two years of full-time study, a third year of experimental learning will take place at an approved Agricultural Business which will lead to a Diploma in Agriculture after successful completion thereof. After completion of the Diploma, students can further their studies at any Tertiary Institution of their choice for an applicable post-diploma qualification, e.g. B Tech., B Agric (Hons), subjected to the admission and registration requirements of such an Institution.

Qualification content

The following four fields of study are Compulsory to all registered students. Our program does not allow specialization in any one of the fields of study.


  1. Animal Production
    Animal Nutrition, Animal Breeding, Small Stock Production, Animal Health, Diary Production, Poultry Production, Anatomy and Physiology, Pig Production and Beef Production.
  2. Plant Production
    Soil Science, Horticulture, Agronomy, Pasture Science, Crop Protection, Agricultural Botany, Plant Breeding, Fruit Production, Vegetable Production and Soil
  3. Agricultural Engineering (Trades)
    Building, Mechanics, Welding, Agricultural
    Mechanisation, Irrigation & Drainage and Surveying
  4. Agricultural Management & IT
    Computer Literacy & Applications, Farm
    Management, Agricultural Marketing, Agricultural
    Economics, Agricultural Finances, Agricultural Labor
    Management, Research Methodology and Agricultural Mathematics and Agricultural Entrepreneurship

Admission Requirements

  • Grade 12: certificate/statement depicting symbols.
  • Equivalent certificate or higher.
  • Grade 11: Final Result and/or Grade 12: June Record Exam result for Provisional Selection.
  • Subjects: Any subject except Life Orientation can be considered for admission.
  • Recommended Subjects: Agriculture (any type),
    Mathematics, English, Afrikaans and Physical Science.

Career Opportunities

  • Farming
  • Farm managers for companies, professional people and farmers
  • Agricultural Extension.
  • Agricultural Technician
  • Food inspector
  • Agriculturalist: breeds societies, fodder and seed companies
  • Agricultural Research Technician

Contact Details

Phone 018 285 0700 / 701 / 735

E-mail [email protected]

Address Chris Hani St, Potchefstroom Rural 2, Potchefstroom, 2520