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Parel Vallei Advanced Education Center

The Parel Vallei Advanced Education Trust was formally established in 2006 to support and provide advanced educational opportunities to pupils at Parel Vallei High School, as well as any deserving educational institution in the Helderberg Basin.


The Trustees have a vision of enabling children to develop academically, beyond the confines of a National Curriculum. The Parel Vallei Advanced Education Centre is based at Parel Vallei High School. 

Since its inception, this Trust has grown slowly but steadily and has served Parel Vallei extremely well.

Since 2013, the Trust has been registered as a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) and any donations which are made into this trust are claimable from tax. 

Readers are invited to support this trust and in this way, ensure that Parel Vallei High School will always be at the top of the academic list.

The Advanced Education Centre (AEC)

The AEC operates as a stand-alone provider of advanced education within Parel Vallei High School. It is backed by the Parel Vallei Advanced Education Trust but learners pay for tuition and text books. The Centre offers AP Mathematics (IEB) and AP English (IEB) as a supplement to the NCS Maths curriculum.


Advanced Programme (AP) Mathematics

AP Maths was introduced by the AEC in 2011. Its purpose is to supplement the NCS and to give matric candidates a better chance of success in the fields of Maths and Statistics at university.

The AP Mathematics curriculum, which focuses on problem-solving skills, has been developed by the IEB and is accredited by Umalusi. The AP National Examination is written at the end of Grade 12. Successful candidates will receive IEB Certification.

The course takes place over three years, starting in Grade 10. The following fields are included in the curriculum:

  • Calculus
  • Algebra
  • Probability and Inferential Statistics

Advanced Programme (AP) English

AP English was introduced in 2018 to supplement the NCS.

The AP English course takes place over three years, starting in Grade 10 and culminating in the national IEB examination which will be written in October of the Grade 12 year.

AP English specifically promotes and cultivates a deeper appreciation and understanding of English literature and allows for more thorough analysis and discussions which could ease the transition from high school to the first year of university.

The following fields are included in the AP English curriculum:

  • poetry (compulsory) and
  • two of the following options: prose, drama or film.