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NWU Writing Centre

NWU Writing Centre

NWU Writing Centre, The NWU Writing Centre is dedicated to the improvement of student academic writing. Developing one’s writing skills does not end at a university level, but is a lifelong skill and an invaluable tool for effective communication. The Writing Centre assists students in planning and structuring their written assignments. It is also a safe space in which students are assisted to become more confident in their own academic voice. To achieve this, the NWU has a number of consultants who assist students during consultations. This service is free of charge and students are welcome to make appointments with a consultant at any one of the three campuses’ writing centres.

  • individual face-to-face consultation sessions;
  • following a student-centred approach with each consultation session that acknowledges students’ abilities, in order to assist them in developing their own academic writing skills; and
  • assisting under- and postgraduate students to develop their own voice in the academic environment.
  • assisting students in understanding academic integrity and avoiding plagiarism.
  • clarification – guiding students to understand assignment instructions;
  • planning and organisation – guiding students in planning out the writing task and writing process, dividing the writing task into manageable chunks, ordering ideas, and building arguments;
  • revision – guiding students to reconsider main arguments and ideas where and if necessary and as appropriate; and
  • source integration – guiding students on how to properly use in-text referencing, create reference lists and bibliographies, using the appropriate referencing styles, and special attention to academic integrity.
  • The Mafikeng Campus Writing centre is a free service available to all NWU students. We offer one-on-one sessions with attentive and knowledgeable writing consultants. We engage trained M & D students as writing consultants. We can assist you with any writing project at any level, in any discipline, and at any stage in the writing process. We can help you brainstorm for an assignment, help structure your assignment and research, revise a lab report, or polish a cover letter for a job application. And maybe not start the sentence with “And“ while we are happy to help you improve any individual assignment, our ultimate goal is to help you become a more confident, competent writer!
  • Whether we are helping you to understand an assignment, conduct research, make a revision plan, or master a documentation style perhaps use “referencing style” instead of “documentation style” (Harvard, APA, etc.), we will also help you to develop the skills necessary for successful academic writing.
  • We will discuss with you all aspects of students’ writing ranging from assignments and research as far as generic framework, without crossing the boundary into supervisors’ territory.
  • The Mafikeng Campus Writing Laboratory is located at the Academic and Development Centre, Building G183 Block D.
  • Facilitated peer-to-peer group consultations, ensuring comfortable spaces where students will be able to learn from one another.
  • Hand-outs to support students with their academic writing skills.
  • Special projects with faculties, which embed the Potchefstroom Campus Writing Centre as an academic writing intervention, especially for modules with writing assignments. The Writing Centre has standing projects with the Faculty of Law, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences, and Faculty of Humanities. To incorporate the Writing Centre in your course please contact Mr Zander Janse van Rensburg.
  • Postgraduate writing workshops. These workshops provide guidance in the writing of dissertations and theses. To organize a workshop please contact Mr Zander Janse van Rensburg.
  • The Potchefstroom Campus Writing Centre is located at Building E8 Room G44.
  • The Vaal Triangle Campus Writing Laboratory is located at Building 13 (the Library) SL328
  • Writing workshops, undergraduate and postgraduate, available on request. Postgraduate workshops specifically deal with and provide guidance in the writing of dissertations and theses. To organize a workshop please contact Mr Jacques McDermid Heyns


Dr Ellen Materechera


 Writing Centre Coordinator
 +27 18 289 2058

Mr Zander Janse van Rensburg

 Writing Centre Coordinator
 +27 18 285 2510

Mr DJ Cloete

 BA Hons Afrikaans and Dutch I MA in Linguistics and Literary Theory
 Writing Centre Training Coordinator and Consultant
 Afrikaans, English and Dutch

Ms Lientjie Magdaleen Grundlingh

 BSc Dietetics I MSc Dietetics
 Writing Centre Administrative Assistant and Consultant
 Afrikaans and English

Mr Jacques Heyns

 Writing Centre Coordinator
 +27 16 910 3485