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NWU Turnitin

NWU Turnitin

NWU Turnitin, A typical submission made to an eFundi assignment on Turnitin generates an Originality Report. The Originality Report is the result of comparison between the text of the submission against the search targets selected for the assignment which may include pages of active
and archived internet information, a repository of works previously submitted to Turnitin, and a repository of periodicals, journals, & publications. Any matching or highly similar text discovered is detailed in the Originality Report that is available in the eFundi assignment inbox.
To use Turnitin you will need to know the following:
 How to create an eFundi site
 How to create an eFundi assignment
If you do not have any experience in using eFundi we recommend that you register for a basic eFundi workshop.
How to create a Turnitin assignment
1. In the eFundi site that you want to create the Turnitin assignment in, choose the assignment tool.
2. To add a new assignment fill in the following information…
3. Click on Post to create the assignment.
4. Your students will now be able to submit their assignment on eFundi, and a Turnitin
report will be generated for submitted assignments.
How to submit a Turnitin assignment
1. To submit on behalf of a student or to submit your own document through Turnitin, click on Student View.
2. In the Student View mode you will be able to submit an assignment just like a student would.
3. To submit an assignment click on Submit as Student
4. Scroll down the Assignment and click on Browse… to select the file from your computer.
5. Select the file and click Open.
6. If you are satisfied with the file attached, click Submit.
7. You will receive a message that you have successfully submitted your work, click Back to list.
8. Click on Assignment List to go out of Student View mode.
How to view a Turnitin report
To be able to view Turnitin reports, please make sure that the following versions of your internet browsers are installed:
1. In Assignments… If the assignment is Open you will be able to submit. Click on Grade or View Submissions
2. The following page will open with names of people connected to the site. The Turnitin report will appear next to each student’s name, if you submitted on behalf of a student the document will be under your name.
3. Click on the , or icon to view the Turnitin report. The colour of the report icon indicates the Similarity Index of the paper, based on  the amount of matching or similar text that was uncovered. The percentage range is 0% to 100%. The possible similarity indices are:
 Blue no matching text
 Green one word to 24% matching text
 Yellow 25-49% matching text
 Orange 50-74% matching text
 Red 75-100% matching text
*How to interpret the Turnitin report
The Originality Report is separated into three main areas:
 Document viewer frame – shows the Similarity Index for the report and the title and author of the paper
 Paper text – the submitted paper’s text in its original formatting. Matching text is highlighted in a colour that corresponds to the matching source listed on the right side of the Originality Report.
 Matching sources/sidebar – the list of matching sources for the highlighted areas of the paper text to the left. The sidebar also displays the Filter and Settings (exclusion options) and the Exclusion List
*How to access direct source comparison
Direct Source Comparison, allows a user to quickly compare matching text to the source of the match in the Turnitin repositories. Matches to other student papers are not available for Direct Source Comparison viewing unless the students’ are enrolled in your module.
1. To access direct source comparison, click on the highlighted area of text on the student paper
2. A pop-up window will appear above the highlighted text displaying the matching text within the source of the match
3. Clicking on the url link, available on live internet matches, brings up a view of the live web site within a new browser tab or window
4. Click on the “x” in the top right corner of the pop-up to close the window
5. To view the matching text within the full source text click on the Full Source View link
To find the underlying sources, hover over the match you would like to view the underlying sources for and click on the
arrow icon that appears. Click on a source to display the highlights for the match. The highlight for the top source match will become lighter and the match to the selected underlying source will be displayed with a darker highlight. To return to Match Overview mode click on the arrow next to Match Breakdown .
6. The Full Source Text view will load into the sidebar
7. If there are multiple matches to this source, click on the arrow icons to quickly navigate through the match instances
8. To exit the Full Source Text view click on the X button
*Excluding Quoted or Bibliographic Material
If quoted or bibliographic material is flagged as similar or matching, this information can be removed from the Originality Report. Cited material cannot be excluded directly, and quotations can only be excluded if block indentation or direct quotation marks (“”) begin and
end the quotation. Please note that the functions for excluding material are approximate and human judgement is the final evaluator for proper quotation or bibliographic reference.
1. To exclude quoted or bibliographic matches, click on the Filter and Settings icon
2. To exclude Quoted or Bibliographic material click the check box next to the Exclude Quotes and Exclude Bibliography exclusion options
3. Click on the Apply Changes button at the bottom of the filter and settings sidebar to apply the changes
4. Review the revised report. Quoted or bibliographic material can be re-included by deselecting the Exclude Quotes and Exclude Bibliography options within Filter and Settings and then clicking on Apply Changes.
How to exclude small matches
Instructors have the ability to exclude small matches by either word count or by percentage.
1. To exclude small matches within an Originality Report click on the Filter and Settings icon below the sidebar.
2. The sidebar will load with the exclusion options. Below the Exclude matches that are less than: option enter into either the words or % fields the numerical value for small matches that will be excluded from this Originality Report.
3. To turn off excluding small matches click on the radio button next to Don’t exclude by size and then click on the Apply Changes button. This feature can be adjusted at any time.
How to exclude a match
Any source or match source can be removed from the Originality Report through the Match Breakdown or All Sources viewing modes. This allows the instructor to remove a match from consideration, if the instructor determines the match is not needed. The similarity index will be recalculated and change the current percentage of the Originality Report if matches are
1. To exclude matches for a top match hover over the match you would like to view the underlying sources for and click on the blue arrow icon that appears.
2. To exclude matches from the All Sources view click on the All sources icon at the top of the side bar
3. Click on the Select Sources to be Excluded button at the bottom of the sources list to enter source exclusion mode
4. Select the sources that you would like to remove by clicking in the check box next to each source
5. Once all the sources are selected click on the Exclude (#) button located at the bottom of the sidebar to exclude the sources
*How to include a match from the exclusion list
The Exclusion List contains each source that was excluded from the Originality Report.
1. To access the exclusion list click on the Exclusion List icon at the bottom of the sidebar.
2. Within the Exclusion List a check box appears next to each excluded source.
3. Click on the check box next to the source you would like to include back into the Originality Report
4. Click on the Restore (#) or Restore All button to include the source in the Originality Report
5. If the included source affects the Similarity Index percentage the percentage will recalculate
*Downloading Reports and Digital Receipts
The Originality Report or digital receipt can be downloaded to the user’s computer for later reference.
1. To print/download a report, click on the print icon at the bottom of the Originality Report.
2. This will prepare a readable, PDF version of the Originality Report or digital receipt. When downloading a report, the downloaded version created is based on the current view of Originality Report. For example, clicking the download icon while using the default Match Overview will create a PDF of only the highest matches.
3. Once a PDF version of the report or digital receipt has been saved to your computer, you may then use your computer’s default PDF viewing application to print the Originality Report/digital receipt.
4. The downloaded version will no longer have any of the Direct Source Comparison capability and will not be able to show side by side comparisons. The view modes of a downloaded report are not available in the PDF document.
