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NWU June Results 2018

NWU June Results 2018

NWU June Results 2018,
June 2018 Exam results will be released by the end of July.
Results will be SMSed
Result letters will be available at:
Result letters will also be posted.
All info available at:
Why does the marks take so long to be released?
1. All examination scripts needs to be batched and captured- receive scripts as far as Northern Namibia.
2. Scripts are then sent for marking to the lecturers.
3. Scripts are then sent to the moderators.
4. Scripts are handed in at the examination office where the batches are scanned in.
5. Marks are verified by the examination office and handed over to the data capturing office.
6. Marks are captured.
7. After 100% of the marks are captured, the data is calculated and corrections are made if necessary.
8. Graduandi lists are processed.
9. Request student record cards for the commission. File and hand over to the relevant Faculty
10. The Faculty commission needs to sign off and check each students record (A-Rules)
11. Update adjustments and confirm graduandi lists.
12. Result letters can be made available.
