How will the NWU know what email address to send my correspondence to?
Students are encouraged to provide their NWU Gmail email address, as the official email address for communication from the NWU, during the registration process.
If you didn’t provide your NWU Gmail email address during registration, you can do so by clicking here.
How do I access my NWU Gmail?
Open a web browser.
Navigate to
Click on the Gmail link in the top right hand corder.
Click on Add Account.
Type in your NWU Gmail email address in the “Enter your email” box.
You will be re-directed to the NWU CAS web page where you have to enter your student number and password. You will then have access to your email and other Google apps.
Do I have to activate my NWU Gmail account?
No. Your account is aready created, you can just access it.
Already got a Gmail account?
Students may use Google’s Takeout option to access and download their Google data—whether to import it to another service or just to create a copy. Watch to find out how to export Google account with Takeout.
How long will I be able to use my NWU Gmail address?
The NWU Gmail email address is only active as long as the student is affiliated with the NWU and provides a student access to the Google suite of applications (unlimited mail and cloud storage as well as other Google apps).
What about my Microsoft email address?
The NWU Gmail email address shouldn’t be confused with the Microsoft email address that is used to access Office 365 ProPlus.