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NWU Education

NWU Education

NWU Education, Teacher Education at the North-West University has had a proud history since 1919, and the Faculty of Education is now the largest provider of contact and open distance learning in South Africa. The fact that so many teachers choose to upgrade their professional qualifications with us, and that so many prospective students apply for entry to the BEd and our other programmes says something. We think it says something about…

  1. the quality of the work done in our programmes (grounded, professional, critical and academic);
  2. the attention paid to students by our staff (dedicated, caring, professional academics and administrators);
  3. the quality of student life and development offered by the faculty itself (social, sport, integrated development and community engagement);
  4. the great reputation enjoyed by our students and graduate teachers who are commended to us by schools throughout the country.

The Dean’s Welcome

Students, parents, and colleague visitors to the Faculty webpage. Welcome! The Faculty is committed to providing a high quality and exciting professional education that responds to our context both nationally and globally. The Faculty engages in teaching, research and community involvement and through these activities aims to meet the intellectual and skills needs of the education and training sector in Southern Africa, both in terms of the diversity of education contexts in South Africa, and in terms of a quality education.
We strive to play a pivotal role in promoting a dynamic intellectual culture in the education sector, characterized by, for example, the use and application of the latest technology and teaching principles, the development and support of lifelong learners, and the cultivation and transfer of new knowledge in the context of education in southern Africa.


Qualification name Academic programme (if applicable) Requirements APS Campus
Bachelor of Education (BEd) in Foundation Phase
Grade R – 3
Home Language and First Additional Language Level 4
Subject-specific requirements– see yearbook

  • MC: Afrikaans/English/Setswana as HL and Afrikaans/English/Setswana as FAL;
  • PC: Afrikaans/English/IsiZulu/Sepedi/Sesotho/Setswana as HL and Afrikaans/English/Setswana as FAL;
  • VC: Afrikaans/English/Sesotho as HL and Afrikaans/English/Sesotho as FAL;
  • Distance: Afrikaans/English/IsiZulu/Sepedi/Sesotho/Setswana as HL and Afrikaans/English/Setswana as FAL.

DURATION: 4 years

24 Mafikeng Campus
Potchefstroom Campus
Vaal Triangle Campus
Distance Learning
Bachelor of Education (BEd) in Intermediate Phase
Grade 4 – 6
with Mathematics, Science and Technology Home Language and First Additional Language Level 4

  • PC: Afrikaans/IsiZulu/Sesotho/Setswana as HL and English as FAL;
  • VC: Afrikaans/English/IsiZulu/Sesotho as HL and Afrikaans/English/IsiZulu/Sesotho as FAL;

Subject specific requirements: Mathematics Level 3 (minimum 45%)
DURATION: 4 years

24 Potchefstroom Campus
Vaal Triangle Campus
  with Life Skills and Social Sciences Home Language and First Additional Language Level 4


  • PC: Afrikaans/IsiZulu/Sesotho/Setswana as HL and English as FAL;
  • VC: Afrikaans/English/IsiZulu/Sesotho as HL and Afrikaans/English/IsiZulu/Sesotho as FAL;
  • Distance: Afrikaans/IsiZulu/Sepedi/Sesotho/Setswana as HL and English as FAL.

Subject specific requirements: NONE
DURATION: 4 years

24 Potchefstroom Campus
Vaal Triangle Campus
Distance Learning
Bachelor of Education (BEd) in Senior and Further Education and Training
Grade 7 – 12
with Economics
with History
with Geography
with Business studies
Home Language or First Additional Language level 4
Subject specific requirements: NONE
DURATION: 4 years
24 Mafikeng Campus
Potchefstroom Campus
Vaal Triangle Campus
Distance Learning
  with English
Home Language or First Additional Language level 4
DURATION: 4 years
24 Mafikeng Campus
Potchefstroom Campus
Vaal Triangle Campus
Distance Learning
  with Physical Science
Home Language or First Additional Language level 4
Subject specific requirements: Physical Sciences on level 4 and Mathematics on level 4
DURATION: 4 years
24 Mafikeng Campus
Potchefstroom Campus
Vaal Triangle Campus
Distance Learning
  with Accounting
Home Language or First Additional Language level 4
Subject specific requirements: Accounting on level 4
DURATION: 4 years
24 Mafikeng Campus
Potchefstroom Campus
Vaal Triangle Campus
Distance Learning
  with Mathematics Home Language or First Additional Language level 4
Subject specific requirements: Mathematics on level 5
DURATION: 4 years
24 Mafikeng Campus
Potchefstroom Campus
Vaal Triangle Campus
Distance Learning
with Afrikaans Home Language or First Additional Language level 4
Subject specific requirements: Afrikaans Home Language on level 5
DURATION: 4 years
24 Potchefstroom Campus
Vaal Triangle Campus
Distance Learning
  with Life Sciences
Home Language or First Additional Language level 4
Subject specific requirements: Life Science on level 4
DURATION: 4 years
24 Mafikeng Campus
Potchefstroom Campus
Vaal Triangle Campus
Distance Learning
  with Life Orientation
Home Language or First Additional Language level 4
Subject specific requirements: Life Orientation on level 4
DURATION: 4 years
24 Potchefstroom Campus
Vaal Triangle Campus
Distance Learning
  with Computer Application Technology
with Engineering Graphics and Design
Home Language or First Additional Language level 4
Subject specific requirements: NONE
DURATION: 4 years
24 Potchefstroom Campus
Vaal Triangle Campus
  with Sesotho Home Language or First Additional Language level 4
Subject specific requirements: Sesotho Home language on level 4
DURATION: 4 years
24 Potchefstroom Campus
Vaal Triangle Campus
Distance Learning
  with Mechanical technology
with Civil technology
with Electrical technology
Home Language or First Additional Language level 4
Subject specific requirements: Mathematics on level 4 or Bridging course with

  • Mathematics level 3 /
  • Mathematical Literacy level 4, with any Technology subjects /
  • Technical Mathematics level 4, with any Technology subjects, that can replace Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy.

DURATION: 4 years

24 Potchefstroom Campus
Vaal Triangle Campus
  with Setswana Home Language or First Additional Language level 4
Subject specific requirements: Setswana Home Language on level 4
DURATION: 4 years
24 Mafikeng Campus
Potchefstroom Campus
Distance Learning
with Information technology
with Art
Home Language or First Additional Language level 4
Subject specific requirements: NONE
DURATION: 4 years
24 Potchefstroom Campus
with Mathematical Literacy Home Language or First Additional Language level 4
Subject specific requirements: Mathematics on level 3 (minimum 45%) or
Mathematical Literacy on level 5 (minimum 65%)
DURATION: 4 years
24 Vaal Triangle Campus


Physical address:

Block A, Room G32 (Ground floor)
Mafikeng Campus

Postal address:

Private Bag X2046, Internal box 575
Mafikeng Campus
North-West University

Contact number:

+27 (0)18 389 2214/2191



Physical address:

Building C4
Potchefstroom Campus

Postal Address:

Private Bag X6001
Potchefstroom campus
North-west University

Contact number:

Tel: +27 (0)18 299-1766



Physical address:

Building 8, Hendrick Van Eck Boulevard
Vaal Triangle Campus

Postal address:

PO Box 1174, Internal box 125
Vaal Triangle Campus
North-West University

Contact number:

+27 (0) 16 910 3060
