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NWU Business School

NWU Business School

NWU Business School, The NWU Business School has three sites of delivery, situated in Mahikeng, Potchefstroom and Vanderbijlpark. With our internationally accredited MBA, we strive to give our students the edge in an ever-changing business environment. This institution offers various options in terms of language and modes of delivery in our flagship programmes – the MBA as well as the Postgraduate Diploma in Management.
We also strive to make our mark on the African continent – this is a priority for us! The NWU Business School has gained a great deal of experience in the training of public-sector managers at the campus in Mahikeng. We aim to promote a business sense among senior managers in that sector.


We want to be a school that is not only internationally accredited, but also internationally regarded for its quality.

We want to deliver students who have the ability to think strategically and therefore become strategic leaders.

South Africa also needs entrepreneurs, and we promote entrepreneurship in all its forms.

Vision & Mission

To be an innovative and quality-driven business school that, strongly anchored within a regional context, also plays a dynamic role in Africa and internationally.
The NWU Business School is committed to high quality teaching, research and the operationalisation of expertise measured against international standards within a context of a client- and service-oriented approach. The mission is vested in the following eight pillars:
The following eight elements are key pillars of this mission, which leads to the formulation of specific goals and applicable targets that the NWU Business School wishes to achieve, namely:

  • The optimal utilisation of academic and support staff to achieve the goal of the NWU Business School.
  • To develop, teach and empower, by means of innovative teaching and quality learning, well-rounded graduates, who are able to think laterally and critically and who are able to serve the country and its people, the continent and the world.
  • Develop and maintain relevant, focused research of a high standard that is aligned with national priorities and that offers innovative solutions to the challenges that face the academic community, the country, the continent and the world.
  • Expand the commercialisation, implementation and marketing of expertise to benefit all role-players.
  • Expand the community involvement of the NWU Business School in order to make a fundamental difference with all role-players.
  • The proactive expansion and maintenance of international collaboration agreements with regard to teaching-learning, research and the marketing of expertise.
  • Development of the NWU Business School image and the strengthening of the NWU Business School trademark.
  • Be a responsible, well-managed, financially-viable business school with a strong client focus to support and improve the quality of our core business.


The Postgraduate Diploma in Management of the North-West University is offered by the NWU Business School and is accredited by the Higher Education Quality Council (HEQC) (NQF 8) in South Africa by :

  • Part-time, full-time and via distance learning studies

This programme will empower managers and  participants to acquire skills with regard to best business practice and thought-leadership that can successfully be applied to the multi-disciplinary challenges encountered.

The North-West University’s (NWU) Post-graduate Diploma in Management is offered by the NWU School of Business & Governance. For the past 35 years, the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences of the NWU has delivered competent graduates to Southern Africa, who, in turn, make a proven contribution to the social- and economic growth in the region. The Business School has as its aim to provide professional post-graduate management and business training. The personnel corps of the Business School makes a concerted effort to conciliate theory and practice so that management’s strategic leadership potential can be fully unlocked. The programme content and the standard of this diploma ensure that participants obtain expertise from management and business practices in order to confront local as well as international challenges.
The Postgraduate Diploma in Management consists of 10 modules (5 in the first semester, and 5 in the second semester) and does not include a research component.

After completion of this qualification, students should be  able to demonstrate:

  • knowledge of and engagement in the theories and  principles of general management information,  such as areas of accounting, information systems,  economics, statistics, marketing, local governance,  labour relations and human resource;
  • the ability to select and use appropriate methods of  identifying, researching and diagnosing management  problems;
  • the ability to produce appropriate interpersonal  skills in various team-based activities of different  organisations;
  • the ability to select and use appropriate techniques of  problem resolution, including developing, defending  and implementing recommendations;
  • analytical skills in the area of resource utilisations;
  • the ability to contribute effectively to the formulation,  implementation and review of policies, plans, and the  design of accompanying control processes; and
  • the ability to analyse your own leadership roles and  the roles of others in management situations, to  cope with change more effectively and be able to  implement change in complex situations.
Duration and structure of the diploma
The diploma stretches over one academic year. Learners have to register for all five modules per semester. Each module consists of 15 contact hours.
Please download our brochure for more information portal for more information.  We make use of an online learning management platform which will deliver classes (in English) via interactive whiteboard sessions in the comfort of your own home. Internet access is thus a prerequisite.
The classes are presented in Afrikaans on weekdays in Potchefstroom.
There are eight scheduled contact sessions per semester:
Potchefstroom (Afrikaans medium) on Saturdays;
Vanderbijlpark (Quest Conference Estate) (English medium) on Mondays.
Mahikeng hosts eight contact session per semester with a study school for each semester. Students are expected to be present during all academic sessions and other activities of the school. The contact sessions take place at Mafikeng campus.
Students can only apply online via the NWU website.
Note:  Select the distance mode of delivery and the code is 5HA D01

Candidates who apply for the Postgraduate Diploma in Management should be in possession of:

  • a Bachelor’s degree at NQF level 7; OR an equivalent qualification as approved by the NWU Senate; AND
  • the modules of the final undergraduate year must have been completed with an average of not less than 60% unless specifically exempt from this condition by the relevant school director.
The sub-minimum for examinations in all modules is 50%. For this qualification students will have to successfully complete all assessments to prove their knowledge and competence. A student will pass the examination in a particular module if a final module mark of at least 50% is attained, which is comprised of the average of the participation mark (50%) and the examination mark (50%).

Note: Students may take all the modules over a one year period.  They will also be allowed to complete the qualification over a two year period.
Students who are credited with this qualification will be able to function with advanced intellectual and practical competencies in this area of specialization. Successful completion of the qualification gives access to a cognate master’s degree at NQF level 9, and specifically to the Master of Business and Administration degree.
After completion of this qualification, students should be able to demonstrate:

  1. knowledge of and engagement in the theories and principles of general management knowledge, including functional areas of accounting, information systems, economics, statistics, marketing, finance, operations, local governance, small business management, public and non-profit management, training and development, labour relations, human resource, and purchasing management;
  2. the ability to select and use appropriate methods of identifying, researching and diagnosing management problems and critically assess environmental influences on management activities;
  3. the ability to produce appropriate interpersonal skills and show sensitivity in personal interaction in the business environment in various team-based activities of different organizations in the public and private sector;
  4. the ability to select and use appropriate techniques of problem resolution, including developing, defending and implementing recommendations;
  5. analytical skills in the area of resource utilizations, including people, finance, equipment, time, space and qualitative and quantitative information for decision making;
  6. the ability to contribute effectively to the formulation, implementation and review of policies, plans, and the design of accompanying control processes; and
  7.  the ability to analyze their own leadership roles and the roles of others in management situations, and assess their effectiveness in the fulfilment of these roles, and to cope with change more effectively through an enhanced understanding of the process of change, and be able to implement change in complex situations.
Mafikeng Campus:

  1. Candidates wishing to apply must complete and submit an application form.
  2. A  person  shall  not  be  admitted  as  a  candidate  for  the diploma unless he/she:
    • is a graduate of this university or another university or equivalent tertiary institution recognised by senate for that purpose, or
    • has satisfied the Senate by means of such test/tests as may be   prescribed   by   the   Graduate   School   Admissions Committee, that he/she has attained an equivalent level of competence for the purpose of study of this diploma, or
    • has considerable work experience which will be assessed on the basis of career to date and on management potential.
      Such candidates may be admitted to the programme with the   permission   of   the   Graduate   School   Admissions Committee;
  3. A   candidate   must   satisfy   the   Senate   that   his/her qualifications   are   adequate   preparation   of   the   work prescribed for the diploma. The Graduate School Admissions Committee may require a candidate whose qualifications it considers inadequate to complete an additional course or courses,  prior  to,  or  concurrently  with,  study  for  the diploma.
  4. A candidate who does not have sufficient and appropriate background in statistics, computer technology, economics, financial   management   and   accounting,   research methodology  and  academic  writing  skills  is  expected  to attend pre-diploma courses in the relevant course/s before the formal programme starts.
  5. Candidates will be selected solely on the basis of merit, and, if need be, will be invited for a test or interview.

Potchefstroom Campus

  • Current students of the NWU complete the ‘Continuation Form’ and submit it at Undergraduate Admissions (F20).
  • New applications at the NWU complete the whole of the application form (available at F20 or NWU Business School) and submit it at Undergraduate Admissions (F20).

Vaal Triangle Campus:



  • The programme can be taken over a one year or a two year period.
  • The cost is for 2019 only and will be adjusted in 2020.
  • Registration fee for 2019 is R1 880 and must be paid annually.
  • Registration fee will be adjusted in 2020.
  • There is a prize difference wrt the 3 highlighted modules, viz., GHRM 528, BLCG 511, CCMM 515 as these modules form part of the MBA programme. Should you pass your PGDIP, you will get exemption from these modules if you register the consecutive year for MBA after completing the PGDIP.
  • Fees are subject to change.

For any information about study fees please contact
[email protected] or  (018) 299 2667/ 2668/ 2669/ 2670/ 2671/2672/ 2673


Full- and part-time studies
Elma Senekal (Full-time and part-time studies)
Tel:  018 299 1002
[email protected]
Distance learning
Tel: 018 285 5900
[email protected]




Get your MBA (accredited on NQF level 9) in 2 years, from the NWU Business School. Walk away with real-world skills, international accreditation and pioneering research.  Admission requirements are a qualification on NQF level 8 (a 4-year professional degree, honours degree or a Post-graduate Diploma) and 3-4 years relevant work experience. The NWU Business School also offers the Post-graduate Diploma in Management on a part-time basis as an alternative route to get you to your MBA. The MBA qualification is regarded as the flagship of business training worldwide and at the NWU Business School we aim to provide just that, a qualification that is accredited and will provide the tools to succeed in the business environment.
The NWU Business School has been delivering competent graduates to Southern Africa who, in turn, are making a proven contribution to social and economic growth in the region. The NWU Business School aims to provide professional postgraduate management and business training.

The NWU Business School have three sites of delivery:
Potchefstroom Campus on part-time basis; Afrikaans medium; Saturday mornings;
Vaal Campus on part-time basis; English medium; Monday afternoons;
Mafikeng Campus on block release basis; English medium; Fridays – Sundays.

The minimum duration and maximum duration of the MBA programme are respectively two continuous academic years.
Admission to the MBA programme is subjected to strict criteria and in accordance with fully accredited business schools in South Africa. Applicants should be in possession of the following requirements:


  • a recognised four-year degree qualification (or equivalent) on NQF level 8. Any international qualification must be verified by the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). This verification process is the responsibility of the applicant and not that of the NWU; or
  • an honours degree on NQF level 8; or
  • a post-graduate diploma on NQF level 8;
  • PLUS a minimum of three years working experience;
  • PLUS successful completion of the SHL or NMAT admission test
The NWU Business School MBA has been accredited by the Association of MBAs (AMBA). For our students it is a guarantee that they receive business training of the highest international standards.
The NWU Business School are also accredited with the Association of African Business Schools (AABS) and is a member of the South African Business Schools Association (SABSA).
Fully HEQC accredited; NQF-level 9 MBA
The fully international accredited MBA programme of the NWU Business School is a comprehensive qualification comprising a wide range of key activities in the world of business.
Being an influential and quality-audited business school in the MBA-marketplace in South Africa, the NWU Business School has made strategic changes and additions to its MBA programme to expand its value to market. The re-curricularisation of the MBA programme, together with our skills-oriented study schools, serve as a impetus to our faculty for sustained excellence in business learning and associated networking through the system of syndicate group learning methodologies. Alongside this process a greater emphasis on quality and less focus on quantity have emerged, implying that a refined selection process will ensure that we maintain this vision of quality. Notwithstanding all the above assets we were able to maintain our low-cost milieu, thus offering our MBA at a price that will ensure comparative competitiveness – a kind of pareto optimum!
Step 1
In order to apply for admission, a prospective student needs to complete an application form and submit it with all the required supporting documents as indicated in the Guidelines for applicants, namely a CV, a motivational letter, two ID photos, application fee, as well as certified copies of ID document, academic records and related certificates. The application can then be forwarded to the relevant administrative faculty advisor.  All applications are accepted in electronic as well as printed format.
Step 2
Applicants will be notified with regard to their admission status after the paper selection. Successful applicants will be contacted  to take either the SHL/NMAT admission test.
Step 3
The NWUBusiness School will conduct interviews with the applicants in due course.

Wilma Pretorius
Tel: 018 299 1419
Email: [email protected]
Rhonda Ferreira
Tel: 016 910 3011
Email: [email protected]
Lungile Ntsizwane
Tel: 018 389 2351
Email: [email protected]


We have a proven research footprint that stems from its rigorous research philosophy and publishing embedded in an ethos of quality and relevance.  Our focus is to produce high-impact publications, such as accredited conference papers book chapters and accredited journal articles, from PhD theses. We encourage research with a strong focus on business management that is relevant, actual and contributes to the wider academic mainstream. Our and highly experienced PhD supervisors and co-supervisors are sourced from within the School and from relevant industries to ensure that there is blending of theory and practice in the learning process.

Our research based PhD, a part-time programme, in Business Administration is offered at NQF level 10. Before selection, candidates should demonstrate:

  • Experience and enthusiasm
  • Research expertise
  • Control of and
  • Focus on the topic of study

The study itself should bear testimony to a relevant and clear research problem, exceptional research methodology, a definite academic contribution as well as a contribution to business solutions with a general focus on business management in Africa and, in particular, South Africa.
Our PhD in Business Administration programme follows a four-phase approach:
(a) a pre-doctoral workshop for conditional acceptance to the programme,
(b) a full proposal colloquium for unconditional admission into the programme,
(c) a methodology presentation colloquium, and
(d) results and findings colloquium and final thesis submission.
Or refer to our brochure for complete details: Brochure


The study programme must contribute to the research programme(s) of the University as determined by the different research focus areas/units.  All PhD students are required to submit at least one article in a Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) accredited journal before graduation. In the case of an article format thesis, a minimum of three publishable articles should be presented, of which at least one must have been submitted and accepted by an editor of an accredited DHET journal for graduation.
Applicants must further meet the following requirements:

  • The research ability of the student must be to the satisfaction of the school director and the director of the research area/unit;
  • Students whose abilities in research methods are deemed not to be adequate by the school director and research director, will only be accepted into a PhD programme after successfully completing the Faculty ‘s short course in research methodology.
  •  Successfully defended their full research proposals during a colloquium and are accepted by the school/faculty.
  • A student must have a SAQA-approved master’s/ MBA degree or the status of a relevant and applicable master’s degree as approved by the Faculty ‘s board and senate at NQF level 9;
  • The study field must be approved by the relevant school director and research unit director;
  • The student must at least pass the research component (Research module+Mini-/full Dissertation) of the above-mentioned master’s degree with an average of at least 60%.
  • In case the candidate did a master’s by dissertation only, the final mark of the dissertation must be above 60%.


Yearly applications dates are as follows:

  • 1 September to 31 January with application deadline being 31 January and;
  • 1 March to 31 August with application deadline being 31 August

Our selection process is transparent and seeks exceptional research candidates who can contribute to the improvement of our research outputs andmake a theoretical and practical contribution to the field of business studies. We appoint the most relevant and highly qualified and experienced promoter and co-promoters to our admitted students who are sourced from within the Business School as well as from relevant industries so that there is a blending of theory and practice in the research and scholarly process.
Applicants should submit a proposal in a five-page format, which will be sent to the various research clusters for selection:

Applicants should complete the formal PhD application documents for the PhD NWU Business School Administration officers. Please explain in two pages your intended study under the following 11  headings:

1. Title
2. Introduction
3. Motivation of the study
4. Problem statement
5. Primary objective and secondary objectives
6. Preliminary literature (at least 10 leading scholars in your area of specialisation)
7. Research methodology
8. Ethical consideration
9. Contribution of the study
10. References
11. Work execution plan
Also please add (if possible)
  • Proposed name of promoter
  • Proposed promoter signature


Two pre-selection workshops are organised by the research office of the Business School as follows:

  • First selection workshop in March (held in Potchefstroom) for applications closing on 31 January and a
  • Second selection workshop in October (held in Mahikeng) for applications closing on 31 August

Responsible parties during the selection process:

  • The NWU Business School Research Office is responsible for the collection of relevant application documents and corresponds with the admissions office for capturing on the M-drive.
  • The Research Office is responsible for liaising with the University’s admissions office to capture the application on the VSF system where the candidate will be notified of the receipt of their application.
  • The Research Off ice is responsible for convening a meeting with all the School Research Committees (all cluster leaders and relevant academics from the Business School) for screening of applications if they met the minimum criteria (> 60% research component from their master’s degree transcript) for admission into the programme.
  • The Research Office is responsible for the organisation of a final three-day
  • pre-selection workshop during which candidates who met the minimum requirements are granted equal opportunity to participate, and where they will undergo orientation and prepare to present their conditional selection proposal.
  • The Research Office will liaise with the admissions office regarding the final outcome of candidates for the conditional selection proposal.
  • The Research Office will further liaise with the admissions office once a student’s full proposal is approved at the proposal colloquium within six months after conditional selection to allow students’ registration on the PhD programme as per module DBAA971 (New)/MBAM 971 (Old).
  • The Research Office is responsible for collating information on the research completion as well as publication plans from all registered students.
  • The Research Office is responsible for assessing and collating information regarding students’ progress every six months.
  • The Research Office is responsible for organising “writing retreats” that are meant to assist students to put together publications (book chapters, conference papers or journal articles) from their ongoing thesis work.
University administration will confirm all applications received. Incomplete applications will not be submitted onto the system until all outstanding documents have been received.
For payable fees contact: 
E-mail: [email protected] (Mahikeng) and [email protected] (Potchefstroom)
For financial support  services contact:
E-mail: [email protected] (Potchefstroom)
[email protected] (Vaal)
[email protected] (Mahikeng)
or refer to our brochure for complete details:


NWU Alumni

About Us

After graduating, there are many reasons to stay in touch with your alma mater. These include being part of a worldwide network of NWU alumni who share your educational background, and opportunities to contribute to the future development of the NWU.
The University has two main channels for interacting with alumni: the Alumni Association and the NWU Convocation.

NWU Convocation

The Convocation is a formal structure that promotes the welfare of the University and actively influences its affairs through representation on the NWU Council.
Alumni Association

Committee members: Back (left to right): Zanele Ngobese, Abigail Leshope and Susan van Rooyen. Front (left to right):  Bo Mahole , Bert Sorgdrager and Frik van Deventer 
The NWU Alumni Association is a wing of the Convocation and promotes lifelong links between alumni and the University. The Association has an Alumni Office on each of the three campuses. These offices arrange alumni gatherings, from reunions to golf days, and keep members informed about key University developments.
Every person who has a diploma or degree from the NWU (or its predecessors) can become a member of the Alumni Association. The Association also welcomes the spouses of alumni as associate members, as well as individual donors who did not study at the NWU. Associate members have the same rights and privileges as other members.

Potchefstroom & Vaal Campus

Mr Tebogo Tebejane
Tel: +27 18 399 4130

Mafikeng Campus

Ms Sophy Mogorosi
Tel: +27 18 389 2827

Research Manager

Dr Joseph N Lekunze
Tel: +27 18 389 2335


Contact details



Ms Saleemah Abdulah
Tel: +27 18 389 2095/2138
[email protected]
PhD/ Research Administrators
Ms Sophy Mogorosi
Tel: +27 18 389 2827
[email protected]

MBA/PGDIP Program Assistant

Mr. Stephan van Zyl
Tel: +27 18389 2486
Fax: +27 18 389 2335

Postal address

Mafikeng Campus
North-West University
Private Bag X2046

Physical address

4214 Palmer Crescent
Leopard Park


Contact number:
Director’s Secretary:
Mara Boneschans (Secretary)
Tel:  018 299 1406
[email protected]
MBA Office:
Wilma Pretorius
Tel: 018 299 1419
[email protected]
Antonett Visagie
Tel: 018 285 2759
[email protected]
Post Graduate Diploma:
Elma Senekal
Tel: 018 299 1379/1379
[email protected]
PhD/ Research Administrators
Mr. Tebogo Tebejane
Tel: 018 299 4130
[email protected]
Postal address:
NWU Business School
North-West University
Potchefstroom Campus
Private Bag x6001
Physical address:
Economic and Management Sciences
Building E3 Room 402
Potchefstroom Campus
North-West University Potchefstroom
Physical address:
K14 Building:  Cnr Thabo Mbeki & Esselen Street
North-West University (off campus offices)



Contact Number:
Mrs Rhonda Ferreira
Tel: +27 16 910 3011
Fax: 086 645 6823
Email: [email protected]