NWU Address
NWU Address,
To make complaints, clarify an information or acquire more knowlegde about the institution, provided below is the address or contact details to all the campuses, the postal adress, physical address and the telephone numbers. Please dont hesitate to enquire us.
Contact us
- Applications enquiries
- Distance learning enquiries
Admissions Undergraduate and Honours: [email protected]
Admissions Masters and Doctorate degrees: [email protected]
Postgraduate Enquiries: [email protected]
Finances – Student Accounts: [email protected]
Complaints and Thoughts Line: SMS
Mafikeng Campus: 34151
Potchefstroom Campus: 31750
Vaal Triangle Campus: 33139
Registrar | Mafikeng Campus | Potchefstroom Campus | Vaal Triangle Campus |
Postal address: North-West University Institutional Office Private Bag X1290 Potchefstroom 2520 |
Postal address: North-West University Mafikeng Campus Private Bag X2046 Mmabatho 2745 |
Postal address: North-West University Potchefstroom Campus Private Bag X6001 Potchefstroom 2520 |
Postal address: North-West University Vaal Triangle Campus PO Box 1174 Vanderbijlpark 1900 |
Physical address: The Office of the Registrar
Building F1
11 Hoffman Street
Physical address: North-West University Mafikeng Campus Corner of Albert Luthuli and University Drive Mmabatho 2745 |
Physical address: North-West University Potchefstroom Campus 11 Hoffman Street Potchefstroom 2531 |
Physical address: North-West University Vaal Triangle Campus Hendrik Van Eck Blvd Vanderbijlpark 1900 |
Tel: (+27 18) 299-1111 /2222 |
Tel: |
Fax: (+27 18) 299-4910 |
Fax: (+27 18) 392-5775 |
Fax: (+27 18) 299-2767 |
Fax: (+27 16) 910-3182 |
E-mail: Judy Heymans |
E-mail: |
Directions and route map | Directions and route map | Directions and route map | Directions and route map |