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North West University Teaching

North West University Teaching

North West University Teaching,  Teacher Education at the North-West University has had a proud history since 1919, and the Faculty of Education is now the largest provider of contact and open distance learning in South Africa. The fact that so many teachers choose to upgrade their professional qualifications with us, and that so many prospective students apply for entry to the BEd and our other programmes says something. We think it says something about…

  1. the quality of the work done in our programmes (grounded, professional, critical and academic);
  2. the attention paid to students by our staff (dedicated, caring, professional academics and administrators);
  3. the quality of student life and development offered by the faculty itself (social, sport, integrated development and community engagement);
  4. the great reputation enjoyed by our students and graduate teachers who are commended to us by schools throughout the country.

The Faculty has done long standing research in human rights education in diversity, literacy theory practise, self-directed learning, working environments and community based research.


Teaching and Learning

The design, development and presentation of unique formal qualification and non-formal short learning programmes are key pillars of the teaching & learning initiatives of the Centre.

Initiatives to advance the relevance of teaching-learning include:

  • Exposure of facilitators to alternative teaching-learning initiatives, including action learning, blended learning, and e-learning
  • Liaising with industry in order to develop practice-oriented curricula and learning material
  • Exposure to “unique markets” (working learners) and associated opportunities
  • Alignment of formal and non-formal programmes to establish alternative “learner pathways”; and
  • Increase access to tertiary education