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North West University Notable Alumni

North West University Notable Alumni

North West University Notable Alumni,  After graduating, there are many reasons to stay in touch with your alma mater. These include being part of a worldwide network of NWU alumni who share your educational background, and opportunities to contribute to the future development of the NWU.
The University has two main channels for interacting with alumni: the Alumni Association and the NWU Convocation.
NWU Convocation
The Convocation is a formal structure that promotes the welfare of the University and actively influences its affairs through representation on the NWU Council.
Alumni Association
Committee members: Back (left to right): Zanele Ngobese, Abigail Leshope and Susan van Rooyen. Front (left to right):  Bo Mahole , Bert Sorgdrager and Frik van Deventer 
The NWU Alumni Association is a wing of the Convocation and promotes lifelong links between alumni and the University. The Association has an Alumni Office on each of the three campuses. These offices arrange alumni gatherings, from reunions to golf days, and keep members informed about key University developments.
Every person who has a diploma or degree from the NWU (or its predecessors) can become a member of the Alumni Association. The Association also welcomes the spouses of alumni as associate members, as well as individual donors who did not study at the NWU. Associate members have the same rights and privileges as other members.
