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NMMU Education Faculty

NMMU Education Faculty, The Faculty of Education offers both under-graduate and post-graduate qualifications to eligible candidates within the field of Education.


The faculty consists of the following schools, each offering programmes within a specific educational field.

School for Initial Teacher Education

In this school, students study to become teachers. The B Ed qualification is an undergraduate degree qualification offered full time over four academic years. Students choose from the outset which phase they wish to specialise in, namely Foundation Phase (Gr R-3), Intermediate Phase (Gr 4-6) or Further Education & Training (Gr 10-12).


School for Education Research & Engagement

In this school qualified educators may pursue post-graduate qualifications (i.e. B Ed Hons, M Ed & PhD). Faculty engagement projects are also based within the school and very often inform and stimulate the research undertaken by students in this school.

On the right, you can download a short summary of our faculty’s qualifications which includes the programme overview, the duration of study, admission requirements, the APS score required as well as career opportunities.