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Jan Kriel School


Jan Kriel School offers tuition to learners from the foundation phase up to Grade 12. The curriculum is offered according to the National Revised Curriculum Statement, the same as that of mainstream schools.c

Jan Kriel School Admission

The application process starts at the mainstream school where the learner is placed. It is initiated by the principal in collaboration with the psychologist of the relevant Education District. They complete the departmental application form and attach all available documentation (e.g., reports from educators, therapists, psychologists, physicians and other professional role players). Thereafter, the application for admission to Jan Kriel School is directed to and managed by the Western Cape Education Department. No applications can be submitted directly to the school.

If the placement committee recommends that a placement candidate has been approved and a suitable place is available, arrangements are made for admission. If there is no place for the learner, the learner’s name is placed on a waiting list.


Learners are allowed on a provisional basis and placement is reconsidered at the end of each academic year.

In terms of the policy of the Western Cape Education Department, learners from other provinces may not be admitted to Jan Kriel School unless agreed to by the Department of Special Education.

Jan Kriel School Services

Speech, Hearing Therapist, Audiologists

Occupational Therapy




Jan Kriel School Contact Details

Telephone: 021 903 1108 /9

Fax: 021 903 1220

Email: [email protected]


Schoolstreet, Kuilsriver, Bosmans Estate,

Post address:

Jan Krielskool,

Posbus 17,