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Iona Convent School

Iona Convent School is a faith-based school that focuses on the holistic growth and development of the learners; with the support and involvement of parents/guardians, your daughters have the best opportunity of achieving their full potential at the school. Our school aims to provide for the spiritual, intellectual, emotional and physical development of all our learners.


Iona Convent School General Conduct

  1. Greet all staff members and visitors politely. Offer to carry books, equipment, etc. for teachers. Stand back and allow adults to pass on passages and staircases. Stand whenever a teacher or adult enters your classroom and the person who enters.
  2. When changing classrooms going to and from assembly and after break, walk quietly and in single file. Always keep to the left on passages and staircases and refrain from any form of pushing or reckless behaviour to ensure the safety of fellow learners. Running in the passages and staircases is not permitted.
  3. Verbal abuse, bad language, swearing and offensive, derogatory speech which is directed at teachers, school employees and/or other learners is not allowed and regarded to be a serious offense.
  4. Noise and disruptive behaviour is not permitted in the toilet blocks. Toilets must be flushed after use, hand must be washed and taps must be properly turned off. Toilets must be kept clean and tidy.
  5. Fighting, hitting, slapping, pushing and any form of aggressive physical behaviour is not allowed and will be regarded in a very serious light. All parties involved in any form of fighting will be disciplined and, in the case of serious bodily harm, parents will be called in. The learners must face suspension or expulsion from school, depending on the seriousness of the offence.
  6. Any form of bullying, which includes harmful words or actions, physical or emotional threats and internet bullying on Social Media, which threatens the well-being and safety of another learner is considered an extremely offence and the learner may face suspension or expulsion from school, depending on the seriousness of the offense. Cases of serious bullying on the Internet may lead to legal action the perpetrator.
  7. Sexual harassment (both physical and verbal) is not allowed and is a serious offence. Violating a learner’s right to privacy by recording pictures or images of that learner which are deemed to be of a pornographic nature is not allowed and is a serious offence. The learner may face suspension or expulsion from school, depending on the seriousness of the offence and legal action may be taken against the perpetrator.
  8. Should it be necessary for a learner to bring a cellular telephone to school, it must be switched off as soon as the learner enters the school premises and must be kept out of sight. It may not be used without special permission form a teacher.  If a learner is found using a cellular telephone during school hours without permission, the phone and sim card will be confiscated for a number of days as set out by the principal. If it is not collected by the end of the term, it will be disposed of.  The school will not be held responsible for any loss or damage to cellular telephones which are brought to school.
  9. Stealing, regardless of the value of the item taken, is a serious offence and will not be tolerated. This may lead to expulsion from the school and legal action may be taken against the perpetrator.
  10. Learners may not bring items not directly related to school unless instructed to do so by their teacher. (Examples: MP3 players, CD’s DVD’s etc.).
  11. A learner must obey all reasonable instructions from a teacher or a duly appointed school prefect or school leader.
  12. A learner may not be in possession of any form of alcohol, drugs or illegal substances on the school property. Furthermore, a learner may not distribute such substances to other learners in the school, either on the school property of after school hours in any location whatsoever.  The learner may face suspension of expulsion from school, depending on the seriousness of the offence and legal action may be taken against the perpetrator.
  13. A learner may not use of any form of alcohol, drugs or illegal substances on the school property or use any of the aforementioned substances outside of the school uniform. The learner may face suspension or expulsion from school, depending on the seriousness of the offence and legal action may be taken against the perpetrator.
  14. A learner may not be in possession of pornographic material in printed or electronic form on the school property or distribute such material to other learners in the school, either on the school property or after school hours in any location whatsoever. The learner may face suspension or expulsion from school, depending on the seriousness of the offence and legal action may be taken against the perpetrator.
  15. A learner may not be in possession of weapons, fireworks or fire-arms on the school property or outside of school while wearing school uniform. The learner may face suspension or expulsion from school, depending on the seriousness of the offence.

The school day

  1. The school day begins at 07:30 for the learners. Learners are expected to follow the school routines as set out in the School Routine Policy.
  2. Before school, during break and after school, learners may not occupy the passages or staircases. Learners may only enter a classroom when a teacher is present.
  3. If a learner is late or absent from school, the school office must be notified telephonically before 08:30 (Office opens at 07:30).
  4. Normally school will end at 14:00 from Monday to Thursday and at 13:10 on Friday.
  5. During examination periods, times will be adjusted and parents/guardians will be notified.
  6. During normal school hours, a learner may not leave the school grounds without special permission. This includes the period from when they arrive at school before the formal opening time and afterschool if waiting for transport.
  7. Extra-mural activities take place after normal school hours from Monday to Thursday. Parents are to ensure that the necessary transport arrangements are made on the days of the activities.  Permission to be excused from an activity must be made in writing by the parent/guardian.  Letters must be addressed to the class teacher who will notify the person responsible for the activity.
  8. Learners may not leave the classroom during lessons without permission from the teacher and the necessary documentation.
  9. Talking (expect for group work) and disruptive behaviour during lessons is not allowed. During group work noise must be kept to a minimum so that adjoining classrooms are not disturbed.
  10. Eating and drinking in classrooms is not allowed. A learner may drink water during lessons provided it is in an approved container which must be transparent. Teachers reserve the right to check the contents of any container used at school.
  11. Chewing gum is not allowed at all and action will be taken when a learner is found chewing gum.
  12. Written work must always be neatly presented. Correction fluid may not be used.
  13. The learner must be in possession of a homework diary to record homework and other assignments. Parents/guardians must sign the homework diary regularly.
  14. Homework assignments must be done and handed in on time. If homework is not done, the learner will be required to stay in for a Homework Detention for 30 minutes after school on the day of the offense.  Parents/guardians will be notified by SMS before the end of the school day.  The work, fully completed, must be presented to the subject teacher on the next school day following the detention.  Repeat offenders will be dealt with as laid down in the Discipline Protocol.
  15. Assignments not handed in on time will be dealt with in the same way as homework not done and marks may be subtracted for late submission if provision is made in the marking rubric.
  16. Plagiarism of tasks, research tasks and investigation tasks for SBA marks is a serious offence. A mark of 0 will be given for the task or investigation and appropriate corrective action will be implemented.
  17. Copying of homework is not allowed and appropriate action will be taken.
  18. Copying during class test or formal examinations is a serious offence. No marks will be given for the entire test or examination. A full investigation will be done and appropriate action will be taken.

A system of Merits and Demerits is in place: Please see merit and demerit system.



  1. When a learner is not able to attend school, the parent/guardian must phone the school office before 08h30 to inform the school. On the day that the learner returns to school, she must bring a note from her parent/guardian. For and absence of 3 or more days, a doctor’s certificate must be presented on returning to school.
  2. A medical certificate must be produced for any absenteeism on test days, on days that assessment tasks must be handed in, on days that assessment task must be done at school and during the June and November examinations.
  3. Permission to leave school early must be made in writing by the parent/guardian. The letter must be addressed to the class teacher who will notify the principal.  The learner must be collected from the school office and signed out by the parent/guardian.  As far as possible, doctor and dentist appointments should be made for the afternoon after normal school hours.

Iona Convent School Contact Details

+27 12 329 1033
+27 12 329 5948

General queries:
[email protected]

Finance queries:
[email protected]

263 Steve Biko Rd, Capital Park, Pretoria, 0084