Inscape Design College Graphic Design is specialize in the creative and design industries, built environment, business and communication, and digital technology-driven education. We offer expert integration to that end.
Inscape Design College Graphic Design Entry Requirements
South Africa
National Senior Certificate with admission to diploma or SAQA verification, with Art or Design or Higher Certificate in related field. Competent in English at NQF level 4.
Special admissions
We offer mature age exemption to Degrees, Diplomas and Higher Certificates as per USAF requirements. Inscape Education Group will consider Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) based on informal or non-formal learning for admission to this course.
International student
For admission to Higher Certificate: South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) evaluation of National Senior Certificate NQF4 equivalence. For admissions to Bachelor’s Degree: Higher Education South Africa (USAF) complete or conditional exemption certificate. A study permit in the name of Inscape Education Group is valid for the duration of the chosen course.
Inscape Design College Graphic Design Application Procedures
How to apply
To apply for this course, please use the link below.