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Glenwood High School

Rugby at Glenwood is a major sporting code. It is a sport that instills values such as integrity, sportsmanship, loyalty, discipline, and hard work. Glenwood’s policy of participation in extramural activities, as well as the passion shown by the boys, enables almost five hundred youngsters the opportunity of experiencing the ultimate team sport.


Glenwood fields 24 teams on a regular basis. This allows boys from all levels and ability to be part of this wonderful game. The sports department endeavours to provide games for all teams, this has allowed Glenwood to embark on tours out the province to play fixtures against some major rugby playing schools in South Africa such as Affies from Pretoria and Grey College from Bloemfontein.

The player base at other schools is diminishing at an alarming rate. Schools, educators, and parents owe it to their children to provide them with an environment that will foster a healthy lifestyle and the opportunity to experience a real childhood. Perhaps instead of instilling a win at all cost attitude, we should rather emphasize the enjoyment and life skills learned from playing rugby. At Glenwood we encourage full participation respective of ability; we see the U14F Team as importantly as the 1st XV.

Glenwood High School Admission Process

Admission to Glenwood High School 2024 is open.

We do encourage prospective parents to fill in the application form and send it as soon as possible.

You have several options to apply for your son:

  1. Online application: The online application gives parents the opportunity to apply online for admission for their son. The completed online application form will be sent to the Admissions Secretary in order for the School to consider your son for admission to Glenwood.
  2. Download the application form.
  3. Collect a hard copy from the School.

Please note that applications close in September of the Grade 7 year.

BEFORE YOU PROCEED with the Online Application form:

  • You will need a valid email address and personal information such as ID numbers, addresses, and contact numbers for the parents/guardians.
  • The following documents are required. Please make sure that these are already scanned and ready to upload. (There is no time to scan these while you are completing the application, as your session may time-out and you would have to restart the process.)
  • Please only upload the document requested under each heading.

1)   A copy of the Learner’s report: A copy of the Learner’s latest report.

2) A copy of the Learner’s unabridged (full) birth certificate. This reflects the names and ID numbers of both parents. If you do not have the new (unabridged) certificate, you may submit the old (abridged) certificate in the meantime. However, you must apply for the unabridged birth certificate from the Department of Home Affairs and send us proof of application (i.e. a copy of the receipt). Please ensure that you send us the new unabridged certificate before the Learner starts at Glenwood, as no learner may be admitted without this.


3) A copy of the Learner’s clinic card (as proof of vaccination). The School is not allowed to accept any learner without proof of vaccination. Affidavits or doctor’s certificates are NOT acceptable. Please visit your local clinic if you have lost the Learner’s clinic card.

4) A copy of both Parents’/Guardians’ identity documents (ID). If a parent is deceased, we will require a death certificate instead.

Single parents:  If you are unable to provide all details of the Learner’s other biological parent (e.g. ID numbers, addresses, contact numbers) please discuss your situation with the Admissions Department before completing this application.

5) A recent photo of the Learner. Passport size.

6) Recent proof of residence. A utility bill, Bank Statement, or a lease agreement.

Prospective pupils will be contacted for an interview. Not all applicants will be granted an interview. All applicants will be notified by post of the status of their application.

NOTE: The Application Form will not be dealt with until the R150.00 administration fee is paid and all the relevant supporting documents have been submitted. The payment of the Administration Fee is to cover the costs of processing the application only.

The School reserves the right to institute legal action against parents who may well submit fraudulent information on, or with this application.

Glenwood High School Subjects

  • Accounting
  • Afrikaans
  • Arts & Culture (GET)
  • Business Studies
  • Design & Technology (GET)
  • Dramatic Arts
  • Economic & Management Sciences (GET)
  • Engineering Graphics & Design
  • English
  • Geography
  • History
  • Information Technology
  • isiZulu
  • Life Orientation
  • Life Sciences
  • Maritime Economics (IEB)
  • Mathematics / Mathematical Literacy
  • Natural Science (GET)
  • Physical Sciences
  • Sport Science
  • Tourism
  • Visual Arts

Glenwood High School Contact Details

1 Z K Mathews Rd
4001 South Africa

TELEPHONE: +27 31 205 5241

EMAIL: [email protected]

FACSIMILE: +27 31 205 5838