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Gaia Waldorf School

Gaia Waldorf Education is to address the child in its entirety and to educate the thinking, feeling and the doing aspects of the human being.


Gaia Waldorf School Admission Process


  • Complete the application for enrolment form, the financial undertaking and the parent pedagogical contract. Ensure that all forms are signed where applicable.
  • Please also include a copy of your most recent salary advice.
  • A copy of your child’s birth certificate is required as well as a photograph of your child.
  • A fee of R390 must accompany your application. This is not refundable.
  • For Primary school applications please include a copy of your child’s most recent report.
  • Copies of any relevant medical, remedial or psychological assessments to be included. These will be treated as strictly confidential.
  • We reserve the right to contact the current/previous school regarding fee payment history. We cannot accept pupils into the school who are in arrears at a previous school.

Once the above requirements have been met and there is space in the relevant class, you will be invited for an interview with the class teacher as well as a short financial interview.


  • Applicants for Class 1 are requested to have a school readiness assessment carried out by an occupational therapist prior to the interview. The school will arrange this assessment.
  • On completion of interview, the teacher will report back to the College of Teachers where the decision will be made to accept or decline. The decision is made based on the needs of the individual child as well as the needs of the class as a whole and whether the teacher feels that she or he is able to meet these needs.
  • You will be notified telephonically of the outcome of your application. Upon acceptance, you will receive an acceptance letter.
  • Primary school applicants may be invited for a short visit in the class prior to final acceptance.
  • On acceptance a registration fee of R3205 is due. This is non-refundable.

Downloaded Enrolment Forms Here

Gaia Waldorf School Banking Details

Account Name The Gaia Waldorf School Association
Bank First National Bank
Type of account Current account
Account no 50161182312
Branch code 250655
Reference Please use your account code as reference (applications – child’s name)

Gaia Waldorf School Contact Details

For further details regarding the school, enrolments, fee structures, events and other information, please contact the School.

General Enquiries by Email
Physical Address

Gaia Waldorf School, Oude Molen Village, Alexandra Road,Pinelands, Cape Town

Postal Address

P.O.Box 13416, Mowbray, Cape Town, 7705


021 447 0546


086 516 3346