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DUT Matric Upgrade

DUT Matric Upgrade, The Durban University of Technology (DUT) is proud to announce the launch of its Saturday Matric School.


Classes will be held every Saturday from 08h00 until 15h00 on campus. For this year, the school will offer 2 hour lessons in Mathematics, Physical Science and Afrikaans. Lessons will be conducted by facilitators who have about 90 years collective experience in their subject matter.


DUT Senior Director of Corporate Affairs, Mr. Alan Khan says that he is especially excited about the affordability of the classes, making it a programme that is widely accessible for Grade 12 learners. He says that pupils must not miss out on this fantastic opportunity to achieve the best results in their most important year of study. The Saturday Matric School initiative forms part of the Community Development Program of the Enterprise Development Unit (EDU) of DUT.