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DUT Law, the Department of Applied Law is a service department that offers many different law subjects for other Durban University of Technology departments. As such, the department gives a legal background to students who may require it for their particular courses.


The department offers the following.
Diploma: Business Law

Contact Information

Head of Department: Mrs T Khumalo
Tel: 031 373 6851
Fax: 031 373 5408
Email: [email protected]
Location: ML Sultan Campus
Secretary: Mrs A Sivanath
Tel: 031 373 5671
Email: [email protected]
Location: M L Sultan Campus


ND: Public Management (PMB)

SAQA NLRD: 3321038Location: 

View the department handbook Requirements: 

The minimum admission requirement is an National Senior Certificate with a minimum of 30% in the language of learning and teaching at the higher education institution as certified by Umalusi, coupled with achievement rating of 3 (moderate achievement (i.e. 40% to 49% or better in four recognized NSC 20 credits.


The requirements of General Rules (G7) the following specific rules, shall apply for entrance requirements for National Diploma: Public Management in respect applicants who have passed National Senior Certificate(NSC).These are:

NSC RequirementsNSC Rating Code
English (home) ORMinimum 3
English (1st additional language)Minimum 3
Coupled with achievement rating of 3 or better in four
recognised NSC 20 credits
Minimum 3
Mathematics (core)Minimum 3
Life Orientation (excluded)0

The institution may require appropriate combination of recognized NSC subjects and levels of achievement.

Any other information and rules specific to this programme / department. This must include any legislative requirements pertaining to the relevant industry or profession.

In addition to the institution’s minimum requirements all applicants will be assessed on their matriculation certificate symbols. Only applicants with a rating of 27 points will be admitted to the programme in accordance with the Central Application Office’s calculations.

SymbolHigher GradeStandard Grade