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Durban University Of Technology Electrical Engineering

Durban University Of Technology Electrical Engineering, This career is related to the generation and distribution of electricity for power, heat and light. These days, most processes in modern industry take place automatically, by means of the driving force provided by electric motors and are automatically controlled by electronic equipment.


The engineer/technician in this field are concerned predominantly with designing, developing, installing, fault-finding and testing of electrical systems including motors, generators, alternators, transformers, transmission lines, cables and switchgear. The professional engineer and/or technician is not office bound but can be called upon to work on plant and installations at times, both indoor and outdoor. Hours are generally regular but, in emergencies, they can be called upon to work after hours.

Electrical Power Engineering Handbook

Personal Qualities Required

The prospective engineer/technician must have an enquiring mind and enjoy problem-solving tasks. They must be able to think in a logical, deductive manner. They must have some organisational abilities and be able to communicate effectively with colleagues at various levels.



Bachelor of Engineering Technology (BEngTech) in Power Engineering (Heavy Current) Entrance Requirements
Bachelor of Technology (BTech): Electrical (Heavy Current) Entrance Requirements
Master of Engineering (MEng): Engineering: Electrical Entrance Requirements
Doctor of Engineering (DEng): Engineering: Electrical Entrance Requirements

NOTE: Phase out of information for the BTech in Electrical Engineering 

As gazetted in the Government Gazette, Vol. 613, No. 40123, 06 July 2016, the last date for first time entering students enrolling in academic programmes that are not aligned with the Higher Education Qualifications Sub-Framework is the 31st December 2019. This means that you will not be able to enrol for a Bachelor (BTech) Degree at DUT, or at any other institution in South Africa after this date.

Applications to this programme must be made via the Central Applications Office (CAO):
Tel: 031 268 4444