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Durban University Of Technology Btech

Durban University Of Technology Btech, The Bachelor of Technology: Management (B.Tech: Mgt) qualification is comprised of 4 subjects. These are presented by way of lectures, group discussions and case studies. Sustained participation is required throughout the modules. The lecturing contact time is 36-48 hours per subject. Two subjects are conducted concurrently per semester of part-time study, are completed and examined before the next two modules begin. The minimum duration of the programme is 12 months.



The Bachelor of Technology: Management degree (BTech: Mgt.) is aimed at equipping entrepreneurs and managers with a wide range of sophisticated business management skills; enabling them to utilise these skills practically in both the commercial and industrial environment.

Evaluation of Participants

  • Assessment is both formative and summative and includes:
  • Weekly individual and group exercises and tasks
  • Group and individual assignments
  • Open and/or closed book assessments

Entrance Criteria


  • The minimum requirements for admission are:
  • Three years business experience and
  • National Diploma in Management or any appropriate 3-year qualification (conferment of status*)


  • Alternative admission can be achieved via the DUT RPL process by challenge assessment


  • Successful completion of the BSU Fundamental Business Management Programme (FBMP) and the Business Management Development Programme (BMDP) and any one of the following level 6 short learning programmes Specialist Human Resource Management Programme (SHRMP), Specialist Project Management Programme (SPMP), Specialist Marketing Management Programme (SMMP), Specialist Operations Management Programme (SOMP), Logistics Management Programme (LMP), Management Development Programme (MDP)