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Dunatos Remedial School

We strive to be a dynamic school where staff and learners will be so happy that they would want to work together to be able to grow and function to their full potential.


Dunatos Remedial School Enrollment criteria

– 2 weeks observation period
– Learning disability
– VERBAL IQ not below 70
– English or Afrikaans
– Any nationality
– Any denomination
– Acceptance and obeying school rules
– Acceptance of your child’s learning disability
– Acceptance of tuition based on Christian principals
– Honour national and school symbols
– Honour the school’s code of conduct

Dunatos Remedial School rules

School rules for learners are printed in learner’s diary and will be signed by the learner and his/her parents.

Category 1
I am not allowed to tease other children.
I must do my best in my schoolwork and always complete my homework.
I must keep the school grounds neat.
I must keep the classroom neat.
I must always be neatly and correctly dressed.

Category 2
I am not allowed to damage other children’s property.
I must uphold the name of the school even when I am in public.
I have to stay on the school grounds during school hours.
I am not allowed to swear.
I am not allowed to take out or use my cell phone on the school grounds or in the classroom.

Category 3
I am not allowed to steal from anybody.
I must have respect for the school’s staff.
I must have respect for any guests that visit the school.
I am not allowed to hit or bully another child.
I may not under any circumstances, in any way, put any person’s life in danger.
I am not allowed to damage the building or grounds in any way.
I am not allowed to damage the furniture or equipment of the school.
NO inappropriate use of solvents, inhalents, aerosols or similar agents will be tolerated
I am not allowed to use or bring any of the following onto the school grounds :


  • sharp object
  • weapons
  • matches
  • bottle ends
  • lighters
  • foils
  • drugs
  • pornographic material
  • alcohol
  • cigarettes
  • illegal substance
  • energy boosters or supplements
  • drug-related equipment
    such as pipes, cigarette papers etc

Disciplinary System
School rules are formulated:
To help the learners to become proper adults.
● To promote discipline.
● Good discipline promotes proper learning.
● To make learners feel safe in their environment.
● To prepare learners to be able to maintain discipline in their jobs as adults.

Category 1 punishment:
1. Depriving of privileges
2. Depriving of bonuses
3. Parents will be asked to fetch their children if the rules for school wear and appearance are
continuously not met
4. Incorrect accessories will be confiscated

Category 2 punishment:
1. Parents will be notified in writing
2. Manual labour
3. Detention
4. Cell phones :
● 1st time hand in cell phone to be locked away in safe for 5 school days.(Parents need to sign the phone out after the 5 days)
● 2nd time hand in cell phone to be locked away in safe for 10 school days.(Parents need to sign the phone out after 10 days)
● 3rd time hand in cell phone to be locked away in safe for a 15 school days.(Parents need to sign the phone out after 15 days)

Category 3 punishment:
1. Parents will be notified in writing
2. Temporary suspension
3. Any possession or use of any drug-related substances or accessories will be reported to the police, followed by a disciplinary hearing. This
will lead to immediate suspension.
4. A learner with any unacceptable re-occurring behaviour not related to the barrier to learning, that prevents teaching from taking place or place
fellow learners’ life in physical or emotional jeopardy, will after discussions with appropriate therapists, the parents and the school’s leaner
support team, be referred to another institute and will not be allowed to attend DUNATOS school any longer

Dunatos Remedial School Contact

Tel: 021 300 6698
Fax: 021 919 9669
Email[email protected]

Old Paarl Road,