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Details of Goldfields TVET College Application 2018

Details of  Goldfields TVET College Application 2018

Contact Us for instructions on How to Apply



Campus Name Address Contact Person Contact Number Enquiries
Central Office
Physical:36 Buren Street
Flamingo Park
Private BagX95
Marketing & Communication Unit
Tel:057 9106000
057 3921082
Latitude:                    27˚ 57’ 18,05 ” S
Longitude:             26˚ 43’ 34,50” E
[email protected]
Website address:
14107 Ndaki  RoadThabong
Mr. Rs Radile
Campus Manager
Tel:057 9106700
057 3951304
Latitude:              27˚ 57’ 8,53 “ S
Longitude:          26˚ 48’ 7,70” E
CNR Petrus Bosch & Toronto RoadJan Cilliers Park
Tel:057 9101600
057 3532298
Latitude:              27˚ 59’ 21,29 “ S
Longitude:          26˚ 44’ 2,73” E

Our College takes pride in its innovative approach to establishing itself as an institution of excellence; responsive to education and training needs and contributing to the skills revolution in South Africa. In this regard the college has a proven track record with various organisations such as NGOs, Business and Industry, as well as Government Departments.
Goldfields   TVET College offers a wide range of courses/programmes that have been developed to respond to the scarce skills needed by employers. In an effort to ensure that courses are responsive to the needs of commerce and industry, the College goes to great lengths to secure linkages and partnerships with key role-players in commerce and industry and with the Sector Education and training Authorities (SETAs). Our College has an International partnership with PUM of Netherlands, given our place in an increasingly globalised labour market. This is to ensure that our education is internationally bench-marked against the best practice in diverse international settings.
The costs of the courses vary, but it is important to remember that Department of Higher Education and Training courses are subsidised at 80% of the delivery cost and the remaining 20% is paid by the student. Many hold full bursaries!
The College also strives towards continuous improving of quality in service delivery. Our students’ academic performances and achievements are rated amongst the best in the Free State Province.  We continue to produce better qualified and more employable graduates and work very hard towards putting our students in a better position through their workplace based Experience industry links to secure jobs, apprenticeships or internships. We firmly believe that the way to success is by providing an opportunity to our College to improve the relevance of our curriculum, through input and feedback provided by our host employers as this keeps us abreast of the needs of industry and commerce.
We prepare our students for employability. The workplace plays an essential role as a key ingredient in catalysing graduates who able to start and succeed in their own business ventures, and to bridge their entry into the world of work.
Courses offered at the Goldfields TVET College are externally and independently quality-assured by the Quality Assurer, under whom the particular education and training programme or course resorts. In addition,our College is also SABS ISO 9001:2008 Certified.