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CPUT Staff

CPUT Staff

CPUT Staff,


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Research Directorate


Staff member Contact information
Prof Dina Burger
Director: Research
img dina
Tel: +27 21 460 3128/3878
Email: [email protected]
Office: Research Directorate, Room 2.8, Administration Building, Cape Town
Ms Edwina Pedro
Secretary to the Director
Tel: +27 21 460 3128
Office: Research Directorate,Room 2.8,Administration Building,Cape Town
Ms Tania Holmes-Watts
Research Grants Manager
img holmes watts
Tel: +27 21 460 4240 (Tues and Thurs) (Cape Town)
Tel: +27 21 959 6699 (Mon, Wed, Fri) (Bellville)
Email: [email protected]
Office: Research Directorate, Room 2.8 Administration Building, Cape Town
Ms Pumza Makaula
Grants Officer
img pumza
Tel: +27 21 460 3895
Email: [email protected]
Office: Research Directorate, Room 2.8, Administration Building, Cape Town
Ms Lara Smith
Coordinator: Research Writing, Information, Publications
img lara
Tel: +27 21 460 3328
Email: [email protected]
Office: Research Directorate, Room 2.8, Administration Building, Cape Town
Ms Amelia Rorwana
Coordinator: Research Finance
Tel: +27 21 460 4283
Email:[email protected]
Office: Research Directorate, Room 2.8, Administration Building, Cape Town
Ms Shafeeqa Hendricks-Dramat
Research Finance Administrator
img shafeeqah
Tel: +27 21 460 4241
Email: [email protected]
Office: Research Directorate, Room 2.8, Administration Building, Cape Town
Ms Phathiswa Swaartbooi
Research Finance Administrator
img phatiswa
Tel: +27 21 460 3796
Email:[email protected]
Office: Research Directorate, Room 2.8, Administration Building, Cape Town
Office:  Room W4, Old Languages Building, Bellville
Mr Marvin La Meyer
Research Finance Administrator
img marvin
Tel:  +27 21 460 3798
Office: Research Directorate, Room 2.8, Administration Building, Cape Town
Ms Luyolo Kamati
Coordinatoor: Research Information Management System (RIMS)
Tel: +27 21 460 3843
Email: [email protected]
Research Directorate, Room 2.8, Administration Building, Cape Town
Ms Samantha Coert
Research Intern
img coert
Tel: +27 21 460 3074
Office: Research Directorate, Room 2.8, Administration Building, Cape Town
Ms Hlengiwe Nzama
Research Intern
img nzama
Tel: +27 21 460 3887
Office: Research Directorate, Room 2.8, Administration Building, Cape Town
Sisanda Sithole
Tel: +27 21 460 3539
Email: [email protected]
Office: Research Directorate ,Room 2.8 ,Administration Building, Cape Town

Staff directory

Update staff details (Staff only)

Updating your staff details like extension number or alternative email address is done though the OPA system.
Go to OPA

Steps to update you CPUT staff details

  1. Go to OPA
  2. Click on the Login button and enter your CPUT username and password.
  3. Click on the View Staff Profile link on the left navigation under My OPA.
  4. To make amendments to your information, click on the relevant text box and enter the updated information in the new text box that appears.
  5. After making all the updates to your profile, click on the Here button to update your information.

The amendments will be sent to and updated by the Human Resource Department. Please note that the text-boxes marked * are ITS related data and may take longer to be updated by the HR department.



Bellville Campus

Name Portfolio Contact details
J Farmer Head of Department Tel: +27 959 6224
Email: [email protected]
Office C019, Applied Sciences Building, Bellville Campus
V Hess Senior Lecturer: Mathematics Tel: +27 21 959 6043
Email: [email protected]
Office C030 Applied Sciences Building, Bellville Campus
TO Sheikh Senior Lecturer: Mathematics Tel: +27 21 959 6544
Email: [email protected]
Office C031 Applied Sciences Building, Bellville Campus
L Cleophas Lecturer: Computer Skills (ECP) Tel: +27 21 959 6797
Email: [email protected]
Office C027 Applied Sciences Building, Bellville Campus
N Luphondo Lecturer: Communication Skills (ECP) Tel: +27 21 959 6535
Email: [email protected]
Office A1, Education Building, Bellville Campus
A Bere Lecturer: Statistics Tel: +27 21 959 6643
Email: [email protected]
Office B103b, Applied Sciences Building, Bellville Campus
G Buzuzi Lecturer: Mathematics (ECP) Tel: +27 21 959 6740
Email: [email protected]
Office B103a, Applied Sciences Building, Bellville Campus
M Kudinha Lecturer: Physics (ECP) Tel: +27 21 959 6838
Email: [email protected]
Office F0, Applied Sciences Building, Bellville Campus
G Makanda Lecturer: Mathematics Tel: +27 21 953 8724
Email: [email protected]
Office C022, Applied Sciences Building, Bellville Campus
S Marandu Lecturer: Statistics Tel: +27 21 953 8724
Email: [email protected]
Office C022, Applied Sciences Building, Bellville Campus
A Basadien Lecturer: Mathematics Tel: +27 21 959 6797
Email: [email protected]
Office C027, Applied Sciences Building, Bellville Campus
I John Lecturer: Physics (ECP) Tel: +27 21 959 6797
Email: [email protected]
Office C027, Applied Sciences Building, Bellville Campus
N Razak Lab Technician Tel: +27 21 959 6235
Email: [email protected]
Physics lab, Room D117, Applied Sciences Building, BellvilleCampus
C Hansby Secretary Tel: +27 21 959 6094
Email: [email protected]
Office C019, Applied Sciences Building, Bellville Campus

Cape Town Campus

Name Portfolio Contact details
G Leigh Lecturer: Physics Tel: +27 21 460 3419
Email: [email protected]
Office 2.18D, Applied Sciences Building, Cape Town Campus
M Marais Lecturer: Physics Tel: +27 21 460 3953
Email: [email protected]
Office 2.14, Applied Sciences Building, Cape Town Campus
S Makupula Junior Lecturer: Physics Tel: +27 21 460 3989
Email: [email protected]
Office 2.32, Applied Sciences Building, Cape Town Campus
M Pienaar Lecturer: Mathematics Tel: +27 21 460 3166
Email: [email protected]
Applied Sciences Building, Cape Town Campus
F Jaffer Lecturer: Communication Skills (ECP) Tel: +27 21 460 3934
Email: [email protected]
Applied Sciences Building, Cape Town Campus
Dr A Osibote Lecturer: Physics (ECP) Tel: +27 21 460 9092
Email: [email protected]
Applied Sciences Building, Cape Town Campus
Dr G Mutchatibaya Lecturer: Mathematics Tel: +27 21 460 3158
Email: [email protected]
Applied Sciences Building, Cape Town Campus
M Sebastiaan Lab Assistant Tel: +27 21 460 9017
Physics Lab, Room 1.7, Applied Sciences Building, Cape Town Campus

Retail Business Management


Name and designation
Contact details
Petrus Venter
Acting Head of Department
Field: Retail Business Management
Qualifications (Academic): M. Com, Higher Education diploma, IRDP
Tel: +27 21-4603841
Room 2.48 – Engineering Building Cape Town Campus
Terence William Hermanus
Senior Lecturer
Field: Retail & Entrepreneurship
Tel: +27 21 460 3019
Room 2.46 – Engineering Building Cape Town Campus
Albertina Kaimbo Jere
Field: Retail/Marketing
Qualifications (Academic): MBA,BA,PGDHE
Tel: +27 21 460 3735
Eric Van Zyl
Field: End User Computing
Qualifications (Academic): NHD: Business Administration
Tel: +27 21 4603026
Juan-Pierré Bruwer
Lecturer (contract)
Field: Financial Accounting 1, Business Management 2 (Financial Component)
Qualifications (Academic): MTech: Internal Auditing, BTech: Internal Auditing (cum laude), ND: Internal Auditing (cum laude), NHC: Accountancy (cum laude)
Memberships: Institute of Internal Auditors (IIASA)
Tel: +27 21 460 3597
Mercia Nazreen Strydom
Administrative Assistant
Qualifications (Academic): National Diploma: Human Resource Management
Tel: +27 21 460 3028
Shaheen Adam
Field: Business Management / Sales
Qualifications (Academic): B Com Hons
Tel: +27 21 4609020
2.54 Engineering Building
Simone Hermans
Field: English/ Law
Qualifications (Academic): B.Proc
Tel: +27 21 460 3347
Engineering Building, Room 2.52 A
Vivence Kalitanyi
Field: Retail
Qualifications (Academic): M.Com
Tel: +27 21 460 9022
Engineering Building, Room 2.52B
Wayne Anthony Jooste
Field: Retail Business Management 1 / Logistics
Qualifications (Academic): ND & BTECH: Retail Business Management
Tel: +27 21 460 3017
Office 2.54, Engineering Building, Cape Town Campus
Kabinga Moonde
Field: English /Communication
Qualifications (Academic): M.A in Linguistics; BA Ed. (English & French)
Tel: +27 21 460 3411
3.5A, Engineering Building, Cape Town Campus.
Vivence Kalitanyi
Field: Business Management, Production Management, Co-supervisor (Business Management).
Qualifications (Academic): M.Com, B. Com Hons (Business Administration), BA. History
Tel: +27 21 460 9022 (w) +27 21 904 4606 (h)
Engineering Building, 3rd Floor, Room 3.32

Food Technology


Name Portfolio Contact details
Prof. Jessy van Wyk alt Head of Department Tel: +27 21 959 6176
Email: [email protected]
Food Technology Building, Bellville Campus
Carmen Booyse
Tel: +27 21 959 6236
Email: [email protected]
Food Technology Building, BellvilleCampus
Prof. Victoria A Jideani img staff victoria Senior Lecturer Tel: +27 21 953 8749
Email: [email protected]
Food Technology Building, Bellville Campus
Dr. George Charimba George Chiremba Senior Lecturer Tel: +27 21 953 8638
Email: [email protected]
Food Technology Building, Bellville Campus
Dr. Anthony Obilana Webpage image Lecturer Tel: +27 21 953 8748
Email: [email protected]
Food Technology Building, Bellville Campus
Dr. Cindy Hunlun alt Lecturer Tel: +27 21 953 8434
Email: [email protected]
Food Technology Building, BellvilleCampus
Estelle Buys alt Lecturer Tel: +27 21 953 8637
Email: [email protected]
Food Technology Building, BellvilleCampus
Joseline Felix-Minnaar alt Lecturer Tel: +27 21 959 6059
Email: [email protected]
Food Technology Building, BellvilleCampus
Llewellyn Fisher alt Lecturer and ProgrammeCoordinator Tel: +27 21 959 6120
Email: [email protected]
Food Technology Building, BellvilleCampus
Sune Botha-Henning alt Lecturer Tel: +27 21 959 6776
Email: [email protected]
Food Technology Building, BellvilleCampus
Dr. ZanephynKeyser alt Lecturer Tel: +27 21 953 8636
Email: [email protected]
Food Technology Building, BellvilleCampus
Lusani Vhangani alt Lecturer Tel: +27 21 959 8691
Email: [email protected]
Food Technology Building, BellvilleCampus
Owen Wilson alt Senior Technician Tel: +27 21 959 6581
Email: [email protected]
Food Technology Building, BellvilleCampus
Lynette Cloete alt Lab Technician Tel: +27 21 959 6775
Email: [email protected]
Food Technology Building, BellvilleCampus
Donna-Leah Thomas alt Lab Technician Tel: +27 21 953 8747
Email: [email protected]
Food Technology Building, BellvilleCampus
Lamla Spilito alt Lab Technician Tel: +27 21 953 8745
Email: [email protected]
Food Technology Building, BellvilleCampus
Thembalani Xolo  Thembalani Xolo Lab Assistant Tel: +27 21 959 6775
Email: [email protected]
Food Technology Building, BellvilleCampus
Olwethu Majozini alt Lab Assistant Tel: +27 21 959 6775
Email: [email protected]
Food Technology Building, BellvilleCampus

Public Management


Name and designation
Contact details
Prof Harry Herbert Ballard
Head of Department
Tel: +27 21 460 3739
Room 2.42, 2rd floor, Engineering building, Faculty of Business, Cape Town Campus
Field: Public Management, Local Government, Project Management, Co-operative Governance, Public Policy Making, Strategic Management
Qualifications (Academic): PhD (Public and Development Management) (US), MA (International Relations) (US), MPA (US), Honors Degree for Public Administration (US), B luris Degree (Law) (UNISA), BA Degree (Major Subjects: Private Law III, Psychology III) (UNISA)
Memberships: ASSADPAM, SAAPAM. SAIMAS, SAIM, Institute for Local Government Management of SA
Daphne Morrison
Tel: +27 21 460 3173
Room 2.42, 2rd floor, Engineering building, Faculty of Business, Cape Town Campus
Qualifications (Academic): B Tech degree (Public Man) (CPUT), ND: Office Administration (CPUT)
Memberships: SAAPAM
Dr Stanford Ebraim Cronjé
Senior Lecturer
Tel: +27 21 460 3173
Room 3.31B, 3rd floor, Engineering building, Faculty of Business, Cape Town Campus
Field: Decision-making, Human Resource Management, Strategic Management
Qualifications (Academic): MPA (US), M PHIL (US), D Tech degree: Public Man (CPUT)
Dr Shaun Wilbur Pekeur
Senior Lecturer
Tel: +27 21 460 3930
Room 2.42, 2rd floor, Engineering building, Faculty of Business, Cape Town Campus
Field: Strategic Management, Project Management, Research supervision, Programme Management, Local Government, Public Policy, Human Resource Management, Organisational Culture and Behaviour, Diversity Management, Co-operative Governance, Service Delivery and Leadership and Management Development
Qualifications (Academic): BA, BA (HONS), MA, D Tech degree (Public Man) (CPUT)
Dr Rozenda Frandeline Hendrickse
Senior Lecturer
Tel: +27 21 460 3929
Room 2.42, 2nd floor, Engineering building, Faculty of Business, Cape Town Campus
Field: Research methodology
Qualifications (Academic): PhD (UWC)
Sylvia Antoinette Botes
Tel: +27 21 460 8357
Room 2.31, 2nd floor, Commerce building, Faculty of Business, Cape Town campus
Field: Public Management
Qualifications (Academic): Currently enrolled: Masters in Business Administration (MBA) (MANCOSA);
National Diploma Secretarial Office Administration (CPUT); National Diploma: Information Technology (CPUT); and National Higher Diploma Post School Education (CPUT).
Memberships: SAAPAM
Nkwenkwezi Thandabantu
Tel: +27 21 460 3060
Room 2.42, 2nd floor, Commerce building, Faculty of Business, Cape Town campus
Field: Public Management
Qualifications (Academic): MPA (University of Stellenbosch)
Memberships: SAAPAM – Chairperson of Western Cape Chapter, ASSADPAM
Adv Yasmin Nanabhay
Tel: +27 21 460 3297
Room 3.18, 3rd floor, Commerce building, Faculty of Business, Cape Town campus
Field: Law – Public Law and Administration, Constitutional and Family Law, Public Office Management and Governmental Relations
Qualifications (Academic): BA, LLB
Qualifications (Professional): Advocate of the High Court of South Africa
Michelle Maree
Tel: +27 21 460 3931
Room 2.42, 2nd floor, Engineering building, Faculty of Business, Cape Town Campus
Field: Public Management, Public Policy Management, Governmental Relations, Policy Studies, Co-operative Governance
Qualifications (Academic): Registered for D Tech in 2008 (incomplete), M Tech degree (Public Management) (CPUT); BA Honours degree (Public and Development Management) (US)
BA degree (US)
Memberships: ASSADPAM & SAAPAM
Sithembele Marawu
Tel: +27 21 460 3165
Room 2.42, 2nd floor, Commerce building, Faculty of Business, Cape Town campus
Subjects: Public Information Services 1 (Communication), Public Information Practices 2 (Communication), Management of Information 3 (Communication)
Qualifications (Academic): M Ed (ESL) (Rhodes University); Hons BA (ELT); and BA (Ed) (UNITRA).
Memberships: ASSADPAM & SAAPAM
Vidonia Viviers
Co-operative Co-ordinator
Tel: +27 21 460 3480 or +27 21 959 6793
Co-operative Education building, Cape Town campus
Languages building, Bellville campus
Field: Co-operation Education
Qualifications (Academic): National Diploma: Public Management
Qualifications (Other): Secretarial Certificate
Memberships: Membership of SASCE (South African Society for Cooperation Education)


Human Resource Management


Name and designation
Contact details
Ms. Liiza Gie
Head of Department
Tel: +27 21 4603701
Office 3.8, Commerce Building, Cape Town Campus
Field: Human Resource Development, Labour Relations, Curriculum Development
Qualifications (Academic): MTech: HRM, HDHET, BTech: HRM, ND: HRM
Memberships: SABPP:Charted HR Practitioner in Learning & Development.HR University Forum. International Education of South Africa.
Ms Nosiphosethu Brandau
Departmental Secretary
Tel: +27 21 4609016
Office 3.8, Commerce Building, Cape Town Campus
Field: Public Management
Qualifications (Academic): BTech Public Management, ND:Public Management
Prof Braam Rust
Associate Professor
Tel: +27 21 4603301
Office 3.22, Commerce Building, Cape Town Campus
Field: Industrial Relations / Research Methodology
Qualifications (Academic): PhD, MCom, BCom Hons, BCom, DHE (Diploma in Higher Education), BEd, Ed.Tech (Certificate in Education
Memberships: SABPP: Master Practitioner
Mr Sihlangene Mgudlwa
Senior Lecturer
Tel: +27 21 4603139
Office 3.17, Commerce Building, Cape Town Campus
Field: Personnel Management
Qualifications (Academic): MA: Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations, BTech : HRM, ND : HRM
Memberships: SABPP: Charted HR Practitioner in Learning & Development
HR Universities Forum
Ms Zukelwa Baqo
Tel: +27 21 4608352
Office 1.35, Commerce Building, Cape Town Campus
Field: Management of Training/ Personnel Management
Qualifications (Academic): M. Com: Industrial Psychology. B. Admin (Hons) Industrial Psychology, B.Admin Industrial Psychology & Public Administration
Memberships: HRDUF
Mr Warren Charles
Tel: +27 21 4603050
Office 3.49, Commerce Building, Cape Town Campus
Field: Industrial Relations
Qualifications (Academic): MCom Industrial Psychology, BCom Hons Industrial Psychology, BCom Human Resources Media Management, Industrial Relations Development Program, Labour Law Certificate
Memberships: SABPP, HPCSA, Assessor ETDP SETA
Dr Gilbert Dale
Tel: +27 21 4603065
Office 3.37, Commerce Building, Cape Town Campus
Field: Organisational Behaviour and Industrial Relations.
Qualifications (Academic): D.Tech in Human Resource Management, Masters  Organizational and Industrial Psychology, Honours Organizational and Industrial Psychology, Post Graduate Diploma HRM, Industrial Relations Development Programme, BA Organizational and Industrial Psychology and Political Science.
Memberships: Registered Organizational and Industrial Psychologist with HPCSA
Mrs Frances de Klerk
Tel: +27 21 4603130
Office 3.28, Commerce Building, Cape Town Campus
Field: Management of Training
Qualifications (Academic): MA (Industrial Psychology), Higher Diploma in Higher Education and Training, BA Hons Industrial Psychology, BA Communication (Hons)
Industrial Psychologist (HPCSA) PS0054178
Memberships: SIOPSA
Mrs Lynette de Louw
Tel: +27 21 4604203
Office 3.28, Commerce Building, Cape Town Campus
Field: Personnel Management
Qualifications (Academic): MTech Human Resource Management, BTech Human Resource Management, ND Human Resource Management
Memberships: IPM
Mr Jerome Kiley
Tel: +27 21 4603985
Office 2.28, Commerce Building,
Cape Town Campus
Field: Business Management
Qualifications (Academic): MA Psychology, BA (Hons) Human Resource Development, BA (Hons) Psychology, BA (Psychology and Sociology)
Memberships: SABPP, IPM Registered Moderator and Assessor
Ms Mandy Mavuso
Tel: +27 21 4603300
Office 3.37, Commerce Building, Cape Town Campus
Field: Personnel Management/Community Engagement/Industrial Relations/SAP
Qualifications (Academic): MA Industrial Psychology, BA Hons Industrial Psychology, BA Industrial Psychology and Public Management, Certificate in Research Design,
Certificate in SAP (erp Foundation)
Memberships: IPM, SABPP
Mr Lawrence Motebele
Tel: +27 21 4603024
Office2.28, Commerce Building, Cape Town Campus
Field: Experiential Training/Labour Relations
Qualifications (Academic): BA Honours (Labour Relations & Human Resouces Management) MA (SA Literature), BA Honours (SA Literature), Higher Diploma in Education (HDE)
Mr Brian Ntlangula
Tel: +27 21 4603862
Office 3.35, Commerce Building, Cape Town Campus
Field: End User Computing
Qualifications (Academic): ND Information Technology, BTech : Information Technology, BA Personnel Management and Public Administration, Certificate in Research Design
Memberships: CCSA Computer Society of South Africa
Mrs Razia Parker
Tel: +27 21 4603471
Office 3.18, Commerce Building, Cape Town Campus
Field: Labour Law
Qualifications (Academic): BA, LLB, LLM (Constitutional Litigation) Master’s Certificate in Migration (from International Women’s University in Germany), Certificate in Conveyancing
Memberships: SAWLA, Law Society of the Cape of Good Hope