CPUT Mechanical Engineering
CPUT Mechanical Engineering, The department of Mechanical Engineering is divided into the fields of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics.
The Mechanical Engineering qualification concentrates on the areas of mechanics, fluid mechanics, strength of materials and thermodynamics, while mechatronics is an inter-disciplinary field that combines traditional disciplines of electrical, electronic, mechanical, control and computer engineering skills to solve problems that bridge the boundaries between these disciplines, which requires multi-skilled students.
Mechanical Engineering as a career
In Mechanical Engineering the technician or technologist works closely with the Engineer to ensure that the engineer’s design is realised in practical terms. The main duties of the Mechanical Engineering technician will be to liaise with management and the workshop. The Mechanical Engineering course produces Technicians with knowledge of economic design, planning and production.
Mechanical Engineering technicians form a vital link in industry where designs are to be successfully implemented. They are employed by consultants, contractors and in the public sector. Due to the versatility of the Mechanical Engineering syllabus students have been placed in:
Mechanical Engineering as a career
In Mechanical Engineering the technician or technologist works closely with the Engineer to ensure that the engineer’s design is realised in practical terms. The main duties of the Mechanical Engineering technician will be to liaise with management and the workshop. The Mechanical Engineering course produces Technicians with knowledge of economic design, planning and production.
Mechanical Engineering technicians form a vital link in industry where designs are to be successfully implemented. They are employed by consultants, contractors and in the public sector. Due to the versatility of the Mechanical Engineering syllabus students have been placed in:
- mining companies
- automotive factories
- engineering and production workshops
- building service contractors
- consulting engineers.
The technician could be involved in a combination of any of the following functions:
- setting out of work on site.
- designing and detailing of mechanical equipment
- contract planning and supervision
- quality control of material testing and non-destructive testing
- drawing up of contract documents
- drawing office supervision.
Mechatronics as a career
A mechatronic engineer is a
- broadly skilled individual
- willing to seek and apply knowledge from many fields
- to design, specify, manufacture, commission, operate and maintain
- intelligent electro-mechanical systems that perform a specified task.
Where do our graduates find employment?
- home to farm automation
- from marine to aviation
- from packaging to production, etc.
In short: anywhere computers are used to control machines!
Contact us
Department of Mechancial Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Building
Bellville Campus
PO Box 1906
Tel: +27 21 959 6496
Department of Mechatronics
Mechanical Engineering Building
Bellville Campus
PO Box 1906
Tel: +27 21 953 8431