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CPUT Forms


CPUT Forms

CPUT Forms,

Download a PDF of the form that you can print at home

 Application Form:
There are two ways you can get a form to apply for admission:
1. Download a PDF of the form that you can print at home.
Download the undergraduate application form for 2019
2. Collect a form at the Registration and Applications Office on the various campuses.


Postgraduate application form 2019

Manual applications are only available to applicants applying for Recognition of Prior Learning, non-South African citizens, South African citizens with international qualifications, applicants with permanent residence in South Africa and applicants with Refugee Status/ an Asylum Seeker permit.
Please note; that a non-refundable application fee will be applicable for manual applications.
Applications for the following courses close on 31 July:

  • Architectural Technology,
  • Fashion
  • Visual Communication
  • Design
  • Interior Design
  • Product Design
  • Jewellery Design & Manufacture
  • Nursing Science

The deadline for applications from international applicants will be on August 31.
South African applicants can apply until September 30.