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Carel Du Toit Centre

Carel Du Toit Centre teaches children who are deaf to speak so that they can function optimally in a hearing world. We believe that a child who is hearing impaired has the same capacity to acquire functional spoken language as children who can hear.


Carel Du Toit Centre Pre-School

The aim of the Carel du Toit Centre’s pre-school programme is to help the hearing impaired child to acquire language in a natural, developmentally appropriate and fun way, to enable them to progress to the foundation phase.

A language enriched programme is offered in small classes to ensure individual attention to address the language delay needs of the hearing impaired child.

Language is taught according to weekly themes. The week starts with an outing or in-experience on the premises relating to the theme. The programme is experience based so the child needs to experience the language and concepts first-hand before vocabulary is taught.

The child’s experience is captured in a story chart to provide vocabulary and language structure goals. Parents then receive a copy of the story chart to ensure the same language and vocabulary is worked on at home. Parental support is vital for the child’s language skills to develop.

The Grade R classes follow the CAPS curriculum, prescribed by the Western Cape Government: Education and have adapted the same curriculum for its Pre-Grade R classes to be developmentally correct for the younger child with hearing impairment.


Carel Du Toit Centre Services

  • Audiology
  • Speech Therapy
  • CHAT Centre
  • Social Worker

Sports offered at the Carel du Toit Centre:

  • Ballet
  • Drama
  • Hockey
  • Netball
  • Soccer
  • Cricket
  • Tennis
  • Eisteddfod


(Gr. 1-3)
(Gr. 2 & 3)
(Gr. 2 & 3)
(Gr. 1-3)
Crickey Cricket
(Gr. 1-3)
(Gr. R & 1)
(Gr. 1)
(Gr. 2)
(Gr. 3)
(All grades)

Carel Du Toit Centre Contact Details

Tel: +27 21 938 5303

Physical Address:
Grounds of Tygerberg Hospital,
Francie Van Zijl Drive,
Cape Town

Postal Address:
P.O. Box 19130
South Africa