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Cape Peninsula University Of Technology Bridging Courses

Cape Peninsula University Of Technology Bridging Courses

Cape Peninsula University Of Technology Bridging Courses, course does NOT teach you a subject from the start (eg. Core Mathematics or Physical Science from Grade 10 level). You should already have those subjects even if your marks are not up to the required level.
If you do not have the subjects and you want to add them to your qualifications CLICK HERE


Various Universities and Universities of Technology offer bridging courses to assist students who do not quite meet the requirements for a recognised degree or qualification. These options have various names, depending on the institution or faculty.

Some Bridging Courses need to be completed before starting the actual course:

  • University Preparation Programme (UFS)
  • Foundation (UCT)
  • Access  (MUT) (WSU)

Some Bridging Courses extend the course by one year:

  • Extended (several – see below) Also called EDP (UL) and ECP (CUT)

Some Bridging Courses are focused on preparing students for technical courses:

  • ENGAGE (Engineering Augmented Degree Programme). (UJ)

Things to keep in mind:

  • With Extended Courses, the initial entry requirements are slightly less and students need to complete an extra year of study.
  • Universities still insist on subject requirements for the course, for example Mathematics or Physical Science.
  • Most universities also conduct a test, generally called the National Benchmark Test (NBT).
  • Some universities do not allow you to apply for an Extended Course but offer it if the results of their test show that you would benefit.
  • Adhering to the rules that apply will save you time. It is very useful to download or collect the Prospectuses or Information brochures that every university offers, to make sure there are no changes, every year.