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Cape Peninsula University Of Technology Bellville

Cape Peninsula University Of Technology Bellville

Cape Peninsula University Of Technology Bellville, The Bellville Campus is located in Symphony Way and is the administration hub of the Cape Peninsula University of Technology. The campus houses the Faculties of Applied SciencesEngineering, and Health and Wellness Sciences, while some courses from other faculties are also presented on the campus. The campus boasts the institution’s most cutting-edge facilities, such as the multi-million rand Food Technology Building, which is the only facility of its kind on the African continent.


Physical address
Symphony Way (off Robert Sobukwe Road)
Postal address
PO Box 1906
Contact Bellville Campus
Tel: +27 21 959 6911
Contact Bellville Campus Security
Tel: +27 21 959 6301
Tel: +27 21 959 6550
Campus map

Access and parking

Bellville is an access-controlled, closed campus. Visitors must sign in with security on arrival. Ample on-campus parking is available for visitors and staff/ students. Staff and students must have a parking permit issued annually for open parking. Undercover parking is available to staff at a fee.

Upcoming Events at the Bellville Campus